Serena's doubts...

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"I can't believe it! How did I lose another contest?" - said Serena in a frustrated voice. 

Braixen, Pancham and Sylveon look to their friend and trainer.

They can't do anything but to get on the verge of crying with her...

"Brai... Xen!" said Braixen to Sylveon with an optmistic expression.

"Veon!" affirmed Sylveon while going through Serena's things.

Sylveon finally finds what it was looking for and goes its way to show both Serena and Pancham what she had found.

Serena is found crying on the floor of her room in the pokécenter,

Pancham was trying its best to comfort her.

"Syl, Veon Syl Veon Veon!" said Sylveon while holding a blue ribbon on its ribbon-like feelers.

"Pancham! Cham Cham!" said Pancham while trying to get Serena to look at the ribbon

Braixen is watching carefully on the other side of the room.

"Leave me alone Pancham! I want to think about this alone!" while getting up to leave the room. 

Before she could take one step, she sees what Sylveon is showing her.

"Sylveon, Veon Syl Sylve On?" said Sylveon to Serena.

Serena sits back down, and starts crying again.

"You're right Sylveon, Ash would never let me cry after a defeat like this, but where is he now? Is he with another girl? Does he likes me back?" said Serena, on the floor.

Everyone look sad at this moment.

Serena is on the verge of crying again, when she notices that Braixen was nowhere to be seen.

"Where is Braixen? Where did she go?" asked Serena.

"Pancham?" asks Pancham to Sylveon

"Veon..." says Sylveon while shaking its head, denying.

Braixen left the room while they were looking at the ribbon and was nowhere to be seen.

"Did she leave me because of my crush for Ash? Did she leave me because I'm not as good as she is? Did she leave me..." said Serena before she got interrupted.

Suddenly the door opens, it's Braixen with something in its hand that it throws towards Serena and the others.

It's a snowball that it asked an Alolan Vulpix to make on the reception of the pokécenter.

"Braixen! Braixen, Brai... Braixen, Xen Braixen Xen, Braixen Braixen, Braixen!" said Braixen to everyone.

"You're right Braixen... I'm not being myself... But... Without his advices I'm not being able to do anything here... I've won only one contest here in Hoenn, I'm on a streak of 5 competitions defeats right now, what do I do?" said Serena, letting a tear run down her face.

"Braixen!" says Braixen while using Flamethrower to melt the snowball.

"Pancham!" "Sylveon!" "I'm getting wet!" shouted everyone.

"Braixen Brai, Braixen" said Braixen while using Flamethrower to dry everyone up.

Everybody starts to laugh while starting to feel sleepy.

Eventually, everybody falls asleep on the floor.

The next day arrives and Serena gets up early.

"Wake up everyone!" said Serena while holding a smile on her face.

"I think I've decided what we're going to do!" said Serena.

"Pancham Cham!" "Syl? Veon!" said Pancham and Sylveon

"What about you Braixen? Do you trust me?" said Serena

Braixen smiled and nodded. 

"We're going to Pallet town, on the Kanto region. Ash said he was going to go there when we last saw each other... And even if he is not there, I think it would be a great experience to meet everyone that inspired Ash so much... Are you guys with me?" explained Serena.

"Pancham!" "Sylveon!" affirmed Pancham and Sylveon looking ready for the challenge.

"Are you with us, Braixen?" asked Serena.

"Brai... Xen!" said Braixen, even though it hesistated, it still trusted its trainer.

"So there we go!" said Serena enthusiastically.

"Pancham!" "Sylveon!" "Braixen!" everyone exclaimed.

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