chapter 20

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Just as Lisha left with Soil, Nikki's eyes scanned through the garden until it landed on Daniel who just walked back to the garden, he approached her, and she decided to walk away but thought against it.

"Nikki, you have to listen to me, even if it's just once," Daniel started.

Nikki scoffed before replying, "Maybe some other time, by the way where is Jimi? I haven't seen him."

"He should be in his room," Daniel replied while wondering why she asked such question.

"And, where is that?" Nikki inquired with a convincing smile.

Daniel gave her the descriptions, and she left without saying any word to him even while he called behind her.

Nikki walked into the main house and her eyes scanned through the silent house, quickly, she went straight to Jimi's room and opened the door gently after realizing it wasn't locked.

Jimi had been looking for his cufflinks when he heard his door open, looking up, his eyes met with Nikki, he squeezed his face before talking.

"What're you doing here?"

Nikki moved closer to him with an enticing smile, "I realised you weren't in the garden, so, I decided to check up on you," this time she was dangerously close to him.

"Thanks for that," he stepped back and tried attaching the cufflinks to his cloth, in the process, it fell again and Nikki took the pleasure in picking it up.

Jimi stretched out his hand for the cufflinks but Nikki shook her head in return.

"Let me help you with it," she proposed still with her lascivious smile that hadn't wavered since she walked into his room.

"No, thanks but I can do it myself," he replied in a convincing manner.

"I insist, it's not like I'm trying to harm you, it's just a kind gesture."

"But, still…"

Nikki cut in, " Why do you hate me? I've never done anything bad to you"

Jimi arched his brows, "Why would I?"

"Then let me help you with it at least to prove you don't hate me."

Jimi sighed before accepting.

"I think you should sit, it wouldn't be that comfortable standing up," Nikki suggested while batting her lashes in a seductive manner.

Just as he sat at the edge of his bed, Nikki moved nearer to him and in a blink of an eye, she smashed her lips unto his, while he protested, she was determined to get the better of that moment, just then, Lisha barged in.

Lisha blinked her eyes thrice before clapping, the clap made Jimi push Nikki away with all his will power.

"Well done oo, I never told you guys to stop, it was fun," Lisha uttered with a plastic smile while looking from Nikki who was trying to gain her stance to Jimi who quickly got up from the bed.

"Lisha, it isn't what you're thinking," Jimi started.

"It's what you're thinking," Nikki deadpanned.

Lisha wrinkled her nose before talking, "Do you guys know what I'm thinking?" She moved her index finger from one person to the other.

Jimi moved closer to her, "See, she initiated the kiss and just as I…"

Nikki cut in, "What do you mean? We were enjoying the moment until she barged in."

Lisha chuckled.

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