chapter 34

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"You've been smiling at the ring all this while, tell me are you that happy?" Nikki asked as she stared at the diamond ring on Kemi's finger, it was glistening just like Kemi's face, she'd been smiling since the day begun.

"You don't know how happy I am," Kemi replied with a grin as she took another glance at her ring, she'd been glancing at it since the previous night ever since Mark proposed to her.

"Your face tells it all."

Kemi nodded, "I can't believe I'm getting married to the love of my life," she squealed like a three-year-old child while Nikki shook her head.

It must be very nice getting married to someone you love that loves you back, Nikki thought. Main reason, she had to make Jimi fall for her, she loved him more than just letting him go.

"I can imagine," Nikki said and Kemi smiled at her.

"So, tell me, Nikki won't you get married too? The fact that you have a daughter doesn't stop you from getting married and again Daniel is here, he still loves you."

Nikki threw gets scowl and Kemi shrugged.

"I told you not to mention that guy's name in front of me."

Kemi probed, "But don't you think you should give him a second chance, just listen to him, it's better to get married to him than just look for one Mr. Right that'll never come."

Nikki glared at her, "Did you call me to the salon just to annoy me and talk about that bastard?"

Kemi decided to stop talking about it, "Nope, I called you here to celebrate with me, whereas you are using the opportunity to get your hair done."

Nikki nodded, "Yeah and Miracle's hair too."

Kemi turned to her, "Oh! I didn't know you came with Miracle too."

"I did, Lisha isn't at home."

"Okay, I get."

"So, when should we start preparing for the wedding ooo?" Nikki teased.

A smile shadowed Kemi's lips, "Soon or even soonest but it's this year Sha, you know my parents just want Jimi and I to get married this year, so, after my wedding, they'll surely force Jimi to get married to Lisha."

Nikki's face widened that instant. Get married? So soon, why? Just why?

"I really need to act fast?" Nikki mumbled to herself.

"What did you say?" Kemi asked while Nikki looked up at her with a small smile.


"Done,"the hair stylist told Kemi who smiled at her before thanking her.

"I think I have to go, Mark is already calling me and he has to run his hands through this hair," Kemi joked while Nikki nodded.

"See you later then," Nikki said before Kemi smiled at her again and then walked out of the salon.

Couple of minutes later, Nikki was also done with her, so, she decided to go check up on Miracle whom she expected to have to come to her.

"What's your name?" The young man asked Miracle.

"Miracle," the little girl replied while looking down at the man who had helped pick up Bella; her doll.

Nikki's eyes scanned the kid's room but Miracle wasn't in sight, just as she walked out of the kid's, her eyes caught Miracle talking to young man beside the spa.

"Miracle!" Nikki called as she approached them, the young man turned to her, and she stopped on her tracks looking at him in bewilderment while his face became the exact meaning of astonishment.

"Mummy," Miracle called before rushing over to her mother with a wide smile. Nikki hurriedly grabbed her daughter's hand as she proceeded to leave.

"Nikki," Daniel called calmly as he grabbed her hand, she turned to him with a glare.

"I told you but to call me that!" She deadpanned, actually Daniel had been the one who shortened her name to Nikki but after he disappeared into thin air, she didn't want any one calling her that but it was already glued to her, everyone called her the name in school,it wasn't possible for her to stop everyone from calling her that.

Even after she ran away from her parents home and went to Gran's place, her schoolmates who visited her there still called her the name, then Gran and Lisha became used to it, though she'd tried stopping them all to no avail because Lisha loved the name, and she wouldn't stop calling her that.

After she had Miracle, Gran and Lisha offered to help her take care of the child, so she could go back to school, and she gladly accepted, she went back to school and the nickname became more popular.

She jerked her hand away from his as she walked away hastily while he followed her and called behind her, eyes were already fastened on them that moment.

"Don't you dare follow me!" Nikki shouted as she hurriedly ushered Miracle to the back-seat.

"You need to listen to me," he pressed on, but she hissed scathingly and walked into her car, starting the car that instant, she drove out of the unisex salon with speed.

"Mummy, do you know that man?" Miracle asked curiously, she was this inquisitive girl who always wanted to know things.

"Yes," Nikki replied without glancing back to look at her as she drove in full speed.

"Why did you run away from him? Is he a bad man?"

"He's a bad man."

"But he helped me pick Bella, is he…"

Nikki cut in, "Stop asking me questions!"

Immediately they got home, Nikki went up to her room while Lisha wondered what was wrong.

"Did something happen?" Lisha questioned Miracle who gladly narrated what happened earlier to her, just as Lisha opened her mouth to comment, a knock was heard from the door.

Lisha got up quietly as she adjusted her bum shorts before walking to the door while Miracle also followed her, immediately Lisha opened the door, she looked at him in surprise while Miracle his behind her.

"Mummy said he's a bad guy," Miracle said in what seemed like a warning while trailing behind Lisha as they walked back to the living room alongside Daniel.

"I'm not a bad man," he assured Miracle who looked like she wasn't ready to believe him.

Lisha went up to call Nikki while Daniel tried talking to Miracle who didn't budge.

Knocking gently for the third time without any response, Lisha decided to walk into the room.

"You ought to know that when someone doesn't reply your knock, she doesn't want to accommodate you," Nikki said in a belligerent tone.

"Daniel is downstairs," Lisha announced.

Nikki's pupils doubled that instant as she quickly ran outside like a hare after realizing Miracle might be downstairs with him.

"Miracle, go to your room!" Nikki ordered and Miracle obeyed.

"What are you doing here?" Nikki bellowed.

"Nikki, we really need to talk, we need to clear this misunderstanding."

"I have nothing to say to a pathological liar, don't you ever come to my house again," she exclaimed in annoyance before turning to leave.

"Is that our daughter?"

She turned back to him, "You have no daughter here."

"But …"

"Get out!" She shouted before bending down to throw the pillows at him, he dodged it but when he noticed she was planning to hit him with a stool, he decided to step back, she glared at him before storming off.

"I think it's better you leave," Lisha told him, and he nodded before walking out of the house.

What do you think about this chapter?
Do you think Nikki is being to hard on Daniel?
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