Chapter 2: Grab Diver

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"You done?" I woke up from daydreaming when I heard Joy

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"You done?" I woke up from daydreaming when I heard Joy.

I nodded and smiled. I was already dressed. My luggage was already settled. I'm way to go anytime.

"I'm gonna go now," I told.

"Are you sure you don't want me to drive you into the airport? It'll be a lot more convenient."

"I can manage alone. I have a feeling that Daddy's men are outside. It will be blatant if you're with me."

"I guess you have a point." She slumps her shoulders.

"Thank you, Eonnie. For being here to listen to my dramas."

Slowly, her face softened as she smiled at me.

"We're cousins, Rosé. We're family. I'll always get your back no matter what happens."

But my relatives don't give me this kind of treatment. Not even my half-sisters. Only Joy. At first, she admitted that she didn't like me and I knew that. Eventually, it changed over time. We became friends. Close with each other even.

I slid my way through her and hugged her tightly. She hugged me back and patted my back.

"You never called me Eonnie even I'm older than you. You did nothing but to be a good cousin to me, Rosé. I want to give back the favor to you." She breaks our hug and smiled. "You deserve better. I'll make our family understand what you did in the club. I'm sure they'll eventually understand."

"I hope so." I smiled, hoping that will happen even its sounds so ambitious.

After she hugged me, I instantly bid my goodbye. Joy has my keys and she also knows the password of my unit. She volunteered to take care of it while I'm away.

She already has all my cards too. I only bring the card of my secret bank account to me. I've been saving since I started working because I know this will happen. I was eighteen when I started working. I'm already 25. I gained millions from saving for the past seven years. I will use that to fund my needs and education. I guess it will be enough for me. I could ask help for Joy as well if anything would happen.

When I was in the lobby of my condo building, I immediately spotted my Dad's men. They are bulky and well-trained based on their posture and built. One glance, I already figured who they are. They are my Father's men.

In my peripheral vision, I can see one of my Daddy's men talking to someone on his phone. My heart throbbed. If they thought I'm not familiar with Daddy's bodyguards then they're wrong. I'm wittier than they thought.

I accelerated my walking to get out of the condo building without them knowing. I checked my phone while walking. The Grab car that I booked is already waiting for me outside.

But what should I do to not make them come after me? Damn! I closed my eyes. Think, Rosé! You better use your left hemisphere to this. Tell your impulses to do something!

When I opened my eyes, I saw a woman with the same figure and the same clothes as mine. Like me, she's wearing a simple white shirt and tattered jeans. Noticing her hair's on a bun, I did the same way in my hair. After that, I walked my way towards her carefully. Thank God, she was not facing me. I took that chance to place my luggage beside her.

I dashed my way out of the condo building without any luggage in my hand. I only have my handbag. Whatever. Come what may. I came prepared. I can buy it there or just message Joy to send me some clothes. I'll do anything so that I could not get caught.

I sneaked a glance to look at my back. I saw them looking at the girl with the same clothes as me. I triumphantly grinned and searched for the Santa Fe Hyundai SUV that I booked.

When I spotted it, I jumped onto it. I was so assured and relieved to even glance at the driver. Usually, I check the driver for my sanity and safety but it's not the right time for that. I need to send a message to Joy that I'm already in my Grab car and I left my luggage in the lobby.

To: Joy Park

Joy, I'm already inside the Grab car that I've booked earlier. Dad's men were in the lobby. I left my luggage there. Please check if it's still there and keep it. I'll contact you soon.

After I sent it, I heaved a sigh and shut my eyes. It's a good thing that I was able to trick my father's man, or else... I sure will be doomed now. All my plans will be disregarded and I don't want that to happen. I've wanted this freedom for too long. Now is the time.

My eyes are still shut when I realized that the car was not moving. I frowned.

"Uh... Mr, why aren't we moving yet?" I asked.

I glanced in the front mirror. One familiar face is acing a brush-up hair while glaring intently at me. I blinked a couple of times before I knew who the person in front is.

He turned around to see me. He was smirking mockingly but his eyes are ice that made me froze from my seat.

"Mr, huh?"

I gulped.


He's Jaehyun. Dr. Jaehyun Jung. My boyfriend, Junhoe's cousin.

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