Chapter 27: No Longer

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So the word keeps me
One step away from you
But why is the tear flowing now?

So the word keeps meOne step away from youBut why is the tear flowing now?

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I can't find him.

I sent a message to Jaehyun asking him where he is, but I got nothing.

I tried going to the hospital, but Chaeyeon told me that he already got off from work earlier than usual.

"Where's Dr. Jung?" I started.

"He just got off from work, so he's not here." She shrugged then passed through me.

To be honest, I didn't trust her at first but when I asked the guard about him, he equally stated a similar thing.

That leaves me with no choice but to go to his house which is the least thing that I naturally want to do knowing that Junhoe's staying with him.

Where are you?
I need to see you, Jaehyun.
Please, reply.

I waited eagerly for another minute until I decided to take a risk and go all the way to his house. I don't care anymore if Junhoe will know what happened to us or if Junhoe will get mad. This is my heart and me chasing for what I love.

This time, I'm unanimously choosing me. I'm choosing Jaehyun.

I rode a taxi to take me to his house. During the whole ride, my yearning heart is heaving so terribly hard. Perhaps because I am extremely nervous or because I am too overjoyed and delighted that I'm coming into my senses.

In the first place, there shouldn't be a possible option. Jaehyun is the only one in my heart and I'm just absolutely terrified to willingly admit it myself.

Looking back on the remarkable things that he had done to me, it's not formidable to see why I fell for him quite too easily. Jaehyun comprises the man that you would pray for, ever since you are young. His personality is everything and his looks are more than amazing.

I never saw myself liking him for I perceive him beforehand as a man of intellectual arrogance and apparent disdain. I thought he was the type of person who lacks a conscience. But knowing him better, you'd see what beneath those eyes. You'd be able to unravel what's within him beyond that mask that he was intentionally trying to show to everyone else.

Seeing his charming smile is a rare privilege. Hearing his genuine laugh is like witnessing a once in a lifetime experience. Pinching his dimple is like touching a national treasure that is supposed to be preserved forever.

His personality is a different story. It is when he stays quiet and listens to your all-day rants without judging you. It is when he caresses your head or tousles your hair to assure you that you did well. It is when he tries his best to comfort your inner demons without even muttering a word. It is when he had no clue on what to act but still extends his help to you. It is when he refuses to take his 5 hrs. sleep after 16 hrs. duty in the hospital just so I can have a company and a shoulder to lean on.

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