Chapter 3: Hand Bag

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He's Jaehyun. Jaehyun Jung. My boyfriend, Junhoe's cousin. He's a medical doctor as far as I remember.

I've met him several times previously. He rarely shows up in any event with his family but when he does, everyone bewildered. In accession to that, he's the one who shows up whenever Junhoe failed to show up during our dates. But that was in college. We're grown-ups now. It's been way too long since I last saw him.

One word that I think would fit him is: antipathic. His aura often screams authority and disdain. Anyone could bow down in front of him just by looking at his posture. He's not very friendly to everyone too. He doesn't smile that much. I think I haven't even seen him smile before. We don't talk that much. Even greeting each other is infrequent. I'm uncomfortable when I'm around him because I feel like I'm unlogical and senseless when I'm with him and I hate that.

We're not close but I know he'll tell Junhoe about this. Once Junhoe hears about this, it's the end of me.

"Why did you enter my car without my consent?" He asked forehead creased.

His dark aura is showing and I'm terrified to it. The changes of him physically are visible. It's as if he grew into a man drastically. Before, I thought he's already a man but hell, I was wrong. His aura is strikingly fine for my liking.

"I-I thought this is the Grab car that I booked." I bit my lip. See. This is what I'm talking about. Even muttering a complete sentence without stuttering is impossible.

"Go out." He was calm but it was obvious that he's getting irritated.

The beating of my heart rate fastened.


I am teary-eyed. One trigger, I'll cry terribly.

"Do I need to repeat it?" He's mad and it was blatant in his tone.

I stared outside, biting my lip. I can't see the lobby from here but I'm sure by now, the bodyguards already know that I vanished. I don't want to go out of his car for I know they'll catch me if I do. I can't risk it.

"J-Jaehyun... P-Please, d-don't kick me o-out. My father's men are outside and they are after me. Just... take me to the airport. I-I... need to g-go there. Please..." I cried.

I was begging. If I could go down into my knees, I would. I'm desperate to ask for help from him even if it means sparing my dignity. There's no room for my ego. I need to do this.

He grunted as he looked at my eyes from the front mirror. I couldn't figure him out but his eyes are cold as ice. It makes me conclude that he doesn't know the word 'mercy' at all.

I looked at him straight in the eyes too. Despite the glistened eyes that I have, I was still able to look at him with hopeful eyes.

"Please... Jaehyun... Please...."

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