Chapter 35: Alone with you

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of all the things I've never would have guessed,
I knew that I'd rather be alone with you.

of all the things I've never would have guessed,I knew that I'd rather be alone with you

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Jaehyun and I resumed sending messages and sneaking glances to each other. Honestly, I find it fun and exciting most especially when I tease him. It's like we are in high school again passing our notes to each other except it's in the form of messaging.

When his response is funny, I always automatically let out a giggle so the people from our table turned their heads to me every time I do. Especially, Joy.

"You are so in love," She whispered.

I smiled, "Indeed, I am."

I only quitted texting when my Dad told me to since the event is already starting.

The event started shortly after 2 hours of waiting. The nuclear family of Jaehyun's were introduced which consist of his father, mother, Krystal, and Jaehyun.

His Father has stated welcoming remarks before the event formally started.

The employees from his company were the ones who presented. They flashed a 30 minutes video about how Mr. Jung had started from the bottom until now. It was an inspiring video presentation that even I was amazed and got teary from it.

Sooner, the sister of Mr. Jung which was Junhoe's mother stated her message for his brother. Mrs. Jung, Krystal, and Jaehyun followed after. It was a heartwarming and heartfelt message. You can totally feel the love and passion of everyone who said their messages.

During Jaehyun's turn, I cannot help but smile proudly. Jaehyun has that natural commanding presence in him. He is just so good at choosing his words. I was amazed that everyone was quiet yet reacting whenever he said something funny or hilarious. His aura screams authority which made me think that if he's not a doctor, he would perfectly fit as a young CEO of a company. To think that he's just saying a message to his Father yet everyone is so drawn, he can be a good businessman. I love Dr. Jung, though. I love him in every version.

When Jaehyun finished his speech, Joy poked me in my arm which made me turn to her.

"So, that was the man you want to keep as a secret?" She asked.

"Hey, it's just temporary," I answered with a pout.

She chuckled, "You'll regret this later, I am sure."

"What do you mean?" I frowned.

"I just know," She winked at me.

Before the program finally ended, Mr. and Mrs. Jung dance with each other first. They look good and in love and everything about the performance is just so simultaneous yet magical.

Right after the program ended, every family was given a chance to talk to Mr. Jung's family.

My father informed us that we will do it after the line of the people that want to be introduced subsides. I was slightly disappointed since I am excited to have Jaehyun near me but I can wait, anyway. (Doesn't change the fact that I'm still itching to see him.)

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