Chapter 13: ASMR

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However, instead of actually studying in the library, my face is just crumpled while I'm shoving my cheeks between the pages of anatomy advances book

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However, instead of actually studying in the library, my face is just crumpled while I'm shoving my cheeks between the pages of anatomy advances book. Nothing can absorb in my mind. I keep on inevitably about the article earlier.

No matter how I tried hard to divert my attention, all the more I keep on commemorating what my step-mother, Aunt Reeun told me before every time my name is included in a scandal.

"You're such a disgrace to the Parks, Rosé! We've adopted you after your rag and dirty Mother died then you'll do this to us? You keep on causing a fuss and put us in the grave. Mind you; you are not the only one that gets stained here, stupid girl! The Park clan's name is getting tainted because of your stupid faults. I hope your father just disowns you! Our lives have never had a good thing when you came! You are like your mother! A good for nothing woman! To be honest, if you and Junhoe of the Jungs are not together, you are apparently out of our lives by now. I hope you just died too along with your Mother."

Her words left a mark in my heart. I never told my Father about what Aunt Reeun keeps saying to me. What will change anyway? Nothing.

Besides, no matter how many times I tell them that all those issues that tainted my name by the media are just grave accusations with no substantial shreds of evidence, they won't believe me. Not even Daddy. That's why it's exceedingly rigid for me. All those resulted in me running away from them.

But why is that, even though I already left everything in Seoul, all my past keep on taunting me? It's unfair that I'm suffering alone. I hope Mom's here, so I could have someone to rely on.

I want to cry; so bad. However, my eyes keep on refusing to flow even a little drop of tears. I feel numb for some unknown reason. Overthinking won't even help.

In the middle of contemplation, the door creaked a sound. I got up and turned around.

It was Jaehyun. He's now wearing a simple white shirt and cotton shorts. His hair is messy, and his eyes were puffy and red. It shows he just woke up.

Why did he wake up suddenly? I may lose track of time, but I'm sure I didn't space out for 3 hours. Barely an hour just passed and yet, he's here. What's up with him?

"Yes, Doc?" I composed myself and forced a smile.

"You sure you're studying?"

"U-Uh, o-of course!" My eyes dropped down the book and pretended as I'm reading something.

I tried to read something in the book, but my mind won't take anything. Everything just didn't register.

"Really?" He asked with a raspy voice, probably because he just woke up.

There was a hint of genuine concern and doubt in his voice which I tried to brush off. His tone is making me want to cry to him.

"Yeah, seriously. Just go back to sleep." I said.

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