Chapter 19: Me too

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The next days, I got too hands-on with my medical school

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The next days, I got too hands-on with my medical school. I know it may sound stupid but I didn't know that getting into the medical school means having loads of works and almost having no time for myself. The only things I do during my free time are either reviewing all my notes or take a nap, but the latter rarely happens.

Nevertheless, I still contact Jaehyun. I sent him a message multiple times when I feel like I am about to protrude out because of information overload and imposing when I need his energy. Jaehyun is an embodiment of my safe haven and my resting place and you can't tell me otherwise.

However, he doesn't reply that much so I try to understand a much as possible.

I was in the middle of the boring biochemistry class when I thought of sending a message to Jaehyun. I noticed it's already time for lunch so I want to remind him to eat.

Hi! Time for lunch! J

My eyes widened when he constantly replied.

Doc. Jaehyun
You have a class. Stop meddling with your phone and listen.

I remembered he was our temporary teacher before; that maybe the reason why he knows about my schedule. I silently laughed because of his message.

Doc. Jaehyun
I'm listening. I've already done my advances too! L

He did not reply again so I scowled in disappointment. I bet he's assigned in the emergency room right now hence he can't able to keep up texting with me. I wonder if he already had eaten something for lunch...

I tried to resume from listening to our professor but his voice is making me feel so sleepy. I've already skimmed all the coverage today anyway so I've known about it all.

Besides, I don't want to fall asleep. I still have a remaining class which is the anatomy subject.

Distressed and in need of an incarnation of energizer, I messaged Jaehyun again.

I think I miss...

You. I want to say. But that would be weird. So I only added, "Junhoe".

Doc. Jaehyun
Your hypothalamus must be malfunctioning right now.

I chuckled silently. Is this his way of telling me that I'm being stupid? Hell, his humor and shrewdness are adorable!

Because of his witty reply, I chose to be smarter than him.

*Laughs in deoxyribonucleic acid*

Which means, 'AGAGAGA'. Of course, I'm a graduate from Biology so I know tons of things about DNA and RNA. The thing that I replied is all about Genetic code and I know Jaehyun knows about that.

Doc. Jaehyun

Jaehyun is indeed improving in terms of expressing his feelings and I am loving it. I sent a message again for the last and his last reply shaken the whole of me.

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