Chapter 25: Somebody else

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We arrived in Jaehyun's place after a 30 minutes' drive

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We arrived in Jaehyun's place after a 30 minutes' drive. Jaehyun convoyed us all the way just like what Junhoe said.

I am not sure what to act around his house, frankly speaking. I'm contemplating whether I'm going to act all familiar in Jaehyun's house or pretend I haven't been here at all. In the end, I solely act at the moment and go with the flow; not caring if Junhoe will take a hint.

"Let's sit on the couch, should we?" Junhoe dragged me on the couch, and we sat next to each other.

"I need to take a bath first," I said with my frail voice.

"Oh, yes! I completely forgot. I'll take you to the guest room. The luggage that I bought for you is there."

I shook my head vigorously, "There's no need. I can handle myself. Just... just point me where the guest room is located." I looked elsewhere, unable to gaze at Junhoe's eyes.

He seemed not to notice it at all and nodded, "It's in that room." He said pointing to the room I slept on previously.

"Thank you," I curtly said then instantly trudged my way towards the room.

Before I even arrive in front of the room, my eyes darted to Jaehyun. He has that fondness of his eyes whenever he's looking at me again and it's grieving my heart that there's a possibility that I won't see it again forever.

I was the one who looked away first then swiftly opened the door of the guest room.

It hadn't taken a second before I spotted the luggage that Junhoe is talking about. When I unfastened it, there I see all the clothes that I used to wear back in Seoul.

Way back then, I used to be so excited when Junhoe buys clothes for me that's remarkably my style and type. Now... I can't bear anything at all. I don't need any materials right now for my heart is yearning for something - for someone.

I chose to pick the sheerest dress in the luggage which was a hanging white dress that is above my knee.

As soon as I finished picking my clothes and garments, I left the room.

To my surprise, Jaehyun was leaning in the doorframe which causes him to fall in my body. My eyes immediately looked for Junhoe who's nowhere being to be found in the living room.

Jaehyun collected himself within a millisecond then handed me out something.

"This is your towel," Jaehyun said.

"Thank you," I said, not looking up to him, and only in the towel he was giving me then received it.

My eyes turned to the living room again. Jaehyun seemed to have a hint of what I am trying to ask when he mumbled something.

"Junhoe's in the other guess room. He's changing his clothes, too." Jaehyun informed.

I nodded then silence followed after. I can feel my soul departing from my body as my peripheral vision senses that Jaehyun is staring at me.

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