Ch.1: Fifth Year

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"Jake! Hello! Earth to Jake!" a short, fuchsia-haired girl exclaimed. "Are you losing your hearing?!"

The boy snapped out of his distracted daze. "Uhh, yeah. Sorry Milly."

"I was trying to ask how your summer went," Milly huffed.

"It went fine, nothing special."

The train began to move as another guy with dark orange hair escorted himself into Jake and Milly's private booth.

"Luke! Hi!" Milly squeaked. The train had gone into full motion at that time.

"Hey Milly, Jake," He replied charmingly as he seated himself beside Milly.

"How was your summer?" Milly asked.

"Boring if I'm going to be perfectly honest. There's nothing to do really outside of Hogwarts."

"Mine was pretty epic. I visited America for the first time!"

Ignoring Luke and Milly's conversation, Jake just sulked and stared out the train window. He wasn't particularly in the mood to go back to Hogwarts, especially after what happened the previous year. His mind kept trailing back to what happened that day...

*flashback, 4 months ago*

"Daisy! Daisy!" Jake yelled enthusiastically as he ran towards the cute Hufflepuff girl.

She smiled brightly. "Jake! Hi!"

"Congratulations on winning your first Quidditch match as their new seeker! Those were some awesome maneuvers you made out there!"

"Thank you Jake! But really, I just got lucky today."

"Daisy, don't ever sell yourself short. You did great."

"Thanks, although I gotta admit, Zander was pretty stiff competition today. I was sure he was going to outsmart me."

"Yeah, I know Zander well enough to know that he gets super competitive."

Daisy giggled. "Yeah, aren't you friends with his sister?"

"Uhh, yeah." Jake's pulse skyrocketed and his cheeks heated up. He was mentally preparing himself to pop the question.


"Congratulations! You did it!" a familiar voice popped in. Sean ran over to them.

"Oh my gosh! Thanks!!" she beamed, hugging him.

"My girlfriend is the best seeker Hufflepuff has ever had!"

"Girlfriend?" Jake thought, his heart stopped.

"Aww thank you," she replied, pulling him in for a kiss.

Jake felt as if an arrow pierced his heart and he immediately felt sick to his stomach.

"I'm too friend got her first."

*end of flashback*

Jake had loved Daisy since his first year. He was heartbroken from that moment, replaying itself over and over in his mind over the course of the entire summer. Maybe things would've turned out differently if he was in Hufflepuff or if she was in Gryffindor, either way if they could've just hung out more. But there was nothing he could do except force a smile and be happy for her and Sean. After all, Sean was his friend, and he had no control over Daisy's feelings, so it would be immature of him to feel anger. However, he felt that sadness was justified.

"Uhh, Jake, we're here," Milly said, snapping Jake out of his daze once again, and nodded.

"Jake, are you sure you're okay?" Luke asked. "You seem depressed."

"I'll explain tomorrow," Jake replied.

Except for one person, Jake hadn't told anyone about his feelings towards Daisy. He kinda preferred to keep his feelings hidden and didn't trust people too easily, which explains why the sorting hat nearly placed him in Slytherin.

Jake, Luke, and Milly exited the train along with many other students.

"Hello Jake," a familiar voice echoed.

Jake turned around to see a girl with dark eyes and vibrant teal hair. Her smile soothed his pain, the sight of his best friend always cheered him up a bit.

"Hailey!" He immediately pulled her in for a tight hug. "I'm so glad to see you."

She chuckled, surprised that he was this happy to see her. "Glad to see you too. Are you feeling any better?"

Jake shook his head.

"I'm sorry," Hailey whispered, pulling Jake in for another hug.

"Feeling better about what?" Milly interjected.

"Nothing, Milly," Jake answered solemnly.

"Her and Luke do deserve the right to know," Hailey whispered in his ear.

A certain black and purple haired, angst ridden teenager appeared behind Hailey.

"H-hey Zander," Jake nervously greeted.

"Hello," Zander stoically answered.

"Be nice," Hailey whispered.

"Just because he's your best friend, doesn't mean I have to be nice. Now if you'll excuse me."

Zander continued walking until a familiar face smiled at him.

"Hey Zander, how was your summer?" Luke happily asked.

"Ehh, boring. How about you?"

"Also quite boring."

The two walked off with Milly following them.

Jake shook his head. "He still doesn't like me."

Hailey winced a little. "Sorry."

"I guess he still hasn't forgiven me for accidentally turning him into a toad in transfiguration class."

Hailey giggled. "Yeah. That was pretty funny though."

Hailey and Jake had been best friends since their first year. She had been the one constant in his life since then, and the only person he trusted with just about anything. Hailey helped him pass potions class, and he helped her get a spot on the Ravenclaw Quidditch team in return, and they've been truly inseparable since then. She even gave him advice on how to be less nervous around Daisy, but that advice is no longer necessary.

"Anyways, Jake, let's catch up with the others," Hailey said, snapping Jake out of his nostalgic thoughts.

"Yeah, okay. Sorry, I've been pretty distracted recently."

"Great, that means I'll have to help you pass potions again."

"Ah, the perks of having a brainy best friend."

"Wow Jake, is that the only reason you befriended me?"

"No, don't worry. It's just a bonus."

Hailey playfully rolled her eyes and chuckled. Grabbing Jake's hand, she made him run with her to the school's front steps.
End of ch.1

Quick A/N: I'm fairly new to the Harry Potter fandom so please don't come down on me in the future if some information isn't 100% accurate.

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