Ch.4: ...That turns out to be very true...

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The Legend of Symphony is a tale of six wizards that have a special gift. A type of magic that only very few individuals possess, symphonic magic. It's a type of magic that's extremely powerful and easy to control, which also makes it extremely dangerous if in the wrong hands. Symphonic magic is best channeled through a musical instrument that the user bonds with. You can tell if that's the user's chosen instrument if they can play like a professional and yet have never played that instrument in their life.

100 years ago, a dark wizard known as The Silent Hex was hell bent on taking over the wizarding world. His birthmark resembled a bloody musical note on his right hand. He did not possess symphonic magic, but he wanted nothing more than to steal it. It was proven impossible, the user must be born with it, if chosen, it's untransferable.  So, the six wielders of symphonic magic defeated him, but it ended up opening up a portal, and all muggles discovered our existence.

The ministry of magic had no choice but to cast a huge memory wipe across the globe to protect us. As a result, they banned the use of symphonic magic, and the legend was to never be spoken of again. All the believers in the myth are either imprisoned or dead. The Silent Hex's ultimate fate is unknown. He either died and the wizarding world is safe. Or his descendant has taken his place, and will finish what he started.

"Wait a second," Zander interrupted. "You're telling us that there's this dark wizard out there that has no motive for taking over the wizarding world other than wanting power, who wants to control this type of magic that we allegedly possess?"

"Basically," Professor Rosy answered without hesitation.

And only the direct descendants of the wizards who originally possessed symphonic magic have the gift.

"How do we know if we possess it?" Jake asked.

"And how do we know you're not lying to us?" Zander added, raising and eyebrow.

"The siren call will lead you six to a room somewhere in Hogwarts. Once in that room, you will bond with an instrument, and you will have an awakening," she concluded.

"What if we never find the room?" Luke asked.

"The siren call will never stop until you do."

"Well that's comforting," Milly sarcastically replied.

"What kind of a myth is this?" Zander exclaimed. "It seems way too fantastical to be real."

"I've studied it my whole life," Professor Rosy confessed.

"How did you find out about the myth?" Hailey interrogated.

"My grandparents were allies to the six wizards," she answered. "My parents told me about it when I was young, but I was told to never tell anyone."

"And how do you know if we're truly the descendants of these wizards?" Sean finally asked.

"My gut said so. I had a feeling since the six of you started attending Hogwarts."

The six of them went silent.

"Well, this is an interesting turn of events," Jake chuckled nervously.

"What about the descendant of The Silent Hex?" Milly asked. "Is he a plausible threat?"

Professor Rosy slowly nodded. "And it looks like you six are the only ones who can stop him."

"You've got to be kidding me," Zander grumbled.

"Assuming you're telling us the truth, and once we find the room and we bond with an instrument," Jake added. "Will the descendant of The Silent Hex be aware of our awakening?"

"That I don't know."

"Great," Milly sighed.

"Look, it's getting late," Professor Rosy said. "Try getting some sleep to help process the information I just gave you."

"Alright," Hailey replied. "The six of us will set out to find that room tomorrow, that siren call is really starting to annoy me."

"Same," the other five responded.

"Good luck," Professor Rosy stated.
End of ch.4
Lol I tried to come up with an interesting legend.

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