Ch.7: A Quest for Truth

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Sorry for not uploading another chapter in 28,947,298,578 years, but here's ch.7, finally. I'm going to try to update as consistently as possible, but life and school stuff slows meh down. ;~;

Three weeks later...

The six of them had been secretly practicing their abilities in the secret room every night for the past several days, being careful and so far haven't been caught. The song they wrote was finalized the night before, and it turned out pretty well.

"It looks like we're starting to get the hang of this, finally," Hailey sighed. "Although, why isn't Jake here yet?"

"It's been an hour since he was supposed to be here," Milly added, adjusting her guitar strings.

"Did the oaf get caught?" Zander sarcastically asked with an eye roll.

"I hope not." Hailey gave another long sigh.

"I can go look for him," Milly offered, putting her guitar back on the wall.

"No need."

Everyone turned to see Jake finally walking in with a large, rolled up, piece of paper in hand.

"Where were you?" Zander asked half-heartedly.

"The library, I was finishing something."

"What were you doing in the library exactly?" Hailey asked, somewhat concerned.

"Studying our opponent. I've been trying to figure out where he may be hiding."

"Have you?"

"I may have." Jake rolled out the paper and placed it on the desk they set up in the back. He motioned for the other five to gather around.

"All possible locations of where The Silent Hex's descendant may be are within 20 miles from the school, but I have a feeling he's in the southern rim Rosewood Mountain range somewhere. It's approximately 18.5 miles from the south western border at Hogwarts and it's our weakest point. Plus, it's densely hidden by the Forbidden Forest, so it'll be ideal for ambushing. I'm going to assume the worst and say that they're going to attack Hogwarts first. He may be aware of our summonings and possibly even think we attend Hogwarts since we're just teenagers. It would seem like he would want to snuff us out first due to the fact that we control symphonic magic."

"How would he know that we're just Hogwarts students?" Zander asked after Jake's explanation.

"And if that's the case, does he know our location at all times?" Hailey added.

"Not exactly, I'm just saying I'm assuming he thinks that. There's even a possibility that he's not even aware of our abilities. But either way, he probably doesn't know our precise location. So, I think we can surprise him."

Zander suspiciously picked up the map Jake had and studied it himself for a bit.

"Dang, can't believe the simp was this thorough with his research. Gotta give him credit."

"I can't believe I'm saying this," Zander sighed.
"But Jake's findings seem accurate."

Jake gave a sarcastic yet dramatic gasp. "Did I just get verified from the grumpy little grape himself?"

"Don't push it you simp."

"So, when are we heading out?" Sean asked.

"Tomorrow," Jake announced. "At dawn. We can't get caught if we can help it."

"I'll help Jake gather any last minute supplies we'll need," Luke added.

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