Ch.15: Legendary

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"Huh? Where am I?"

Hailey looked around her, there was nothing but white fog, she couldn't recognize anything. She got up where she was sitting apparently and tried to adjust to her surroundings.

"What's going on?"

"Perhaps I can answer that."

Hailey whipped her head around to see a beautiful woman in front of her. She had differing shades of blue and turquoise in her hair along with strikingly dark eyes.


"Hailey, you're truly a marvel."

"What am I doing here?"

"What do you think?"

"Well, what if I don't know...?"

Hailey's mom chuckled. "It's understandable. Come."

She motioned Hailey to walk with her as they strolled through the fog.

"The Silent Hex killed you?" Hailey hesitantly asked.

"Yes," her mother warmly replied, a pleasant tone Hailey wasn't expecting to hear. "But if it meant protecting you, I'm at peace with it."

Hailey nodded, unaccepting of that fact, but her mother had no ill will towards it.

"So mom, where are you taking me exactly..." Hailey switched the topic.

"No place in particular."

"...Am I dead? Is this heaven? Or hell...?"

"The Silent Hex, I mean the part of him living within you obviously, is dead. However, you, your spirit, isn't."

"...I'm confused. Am I dead? Yes or no."

"No. You aren't dead Hailey."

Hailey's heart practically stopped. "Jake's plan worked...?"

Hailey's mom chuckled again. "Well, yes and no. You see, The Sword of Gryffindor is capable of destroying Horcruxes, but something else helped him."

"Let me guess...hope?"

"It's stronger than any magic out there, symphonic magic included."

Hailey was stunned. "Dang, I was just joking."

"I thought hope was just a source of motivation so people don't give up," she replied. "I was beyond happy that Jake didn't give up on me, that's the only reason why I went along with it. But it actually worked?"

Hailey's mom sighed. "Yes. It did. Hailey, hope is in the heart of every person, lots of it. What people don't realize is that it's completely up to you whether or not you use it. Some lose hope, for one personal reason or another. Those people do nothing, save nothing, change nothing, and die having accomplished nothing. Real leaders and heroes believe in it, even if the odds are stacked high against them. They are the ones that are remembered, idolized, and spark inspiration in others. You're a real hero, Hailey. Your friends are all heroes, especially the one you call 'Jake'."

"Me? How?"

"Hailey, you wouldn't have gone along with his plan if you didn't have hope too."

Hailey sat down on the floor, staring into the distance, practically opaque from the white fog. The idea of hope seemed too surreal to make everything work out in the end. Believing in it is usually mocked, but it saved her life. Jake's hope saved her life. Her own hope saved her life.

"Wait mom," Hailey stuttered. "How do you even know Jake?"

She gave a warm smile. "I know more than you can understand sweetheart."

Legendary: A TMF and Harry Potter AU Story Where stories live. Discover now