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2 months later...

    Jake and his friends, now known as The Symphonic Six by their peers, finally got the Ministry of Magic to allow music again. Singers, bands, and musicians from the wizarding and muggle worlds alike blew up in popularity as music is now a part of everyday life for the first time in a century.

    And as many expected, The Symphonic Six started a music club where many students learned how to play musical instruments and/or learn how to sing. Even though no one else could control Symphonic Magic, it was an instant favorite club within the school.

    Drew, Henry, and Liam made a deal with them as well. Both sides would not start a conflict with each other and leave each other alone, officially calling a truce and remaining on neutral terms.

    Zoey spoke out against The Symphonic Six, which caused her popularity to plummet. And Drew had officially broken up with her once he found out the allegations made about her cheating on him were true. As for Lia, she broke off her friendship with her as well.

    Lia has been better than ever these past couple months. She taught Milly how to cast a patronus charm, and in return Milly taught her how to play the electric guitar. They consider each other best friends at this point, Lia even encouraged Milly to confess her feelings to Elliot. He felt the same way, and Lia teasingly takes credit for getting them together.
    With Zander in a happy, healthy relationship with Luke, he's been a lot more cheerful, well, most of the time.

    As for Hailey...life hasn't been good.

    It's been absolutely amazing.

Hailey has been doing better than ever in her classes, and thanks to Jake's help and encouragement, she was finally picked to be Ravenclaw's official seeker for their most recent Quidditch season. She couldn't have asked for a more supportive boyfriend. They also have been going on double dates with Sean and Daisy for the past six weeks.

Speaking of Quidditch...

"Hailey Austin has just caught the golden snitch! Ravenclaw just won their first game this year!" the announcer yelled into the microphone. The crowd went ballistic as Hailey nearly started crying from how happy she was feeling.

Happiness, her favorite feeling. She hasn't felt it so often in a long time.

After the game was over, she met the rest of her friends in the Room of Requirement, the official new music room for people in the music club who didn't possess symphonic magic.

"Eyyy, how's my favorite seeker?!" Milly exclaimed when Hailey strolled into the room.

"You did great Hailey," Zander said, more calmly while giving her a hug.

"Because I had the best teacher in the world," she replied, her eyes drifted to a proud Jake standing in the corner. He gave a bright smile as he quickly made his way over to her.

"You did absolutely amazing out there princess," he whispered in her ear, then pulled her into a kiss.

"Get a room," Zander grumbled.

"I said the same thing when Luke kissed you in front of us yesterday," Milly chuckled, causing Luke and Zander both to blush dense shades of pink.

Daisy, Elliot, and Lia all went into the room with tired looks on their faces.

"Geez, Hailey really kicked butt out there," Daisy huffed. "You did great."

"Aww, thanks Daisy," she replied.

"You really are very skilled though," Lia added. "No way would I have ever been qualified for seeker."

"Guys, please, I'm really not that great," Hailey answered, with a slight blush.

"You are great Hailey, never downplay it, ever," Jake said, hugging her more tightly.

"So, where are we going to celebrate?" Elliot asked.

"I was thinking we could go down to Diagon Alley and decide what to do once we get there," Sean replied.

"Sounds good," Milly added.

"Well what are we waiting for, let's go then," Hailey said with a gleaming smile.

The nine of them left the room, with Jake and Hailey being the last to leave, smiling and laughing.

Life has never been better.

Legendary: A TMF and Harry Potter AU Story Where stories live. Discover now