Ch.10:...Which leads to a Mistake...

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The following morning they all got up early, they already missed a day of school due to Jake's injuries. At Hogwarts, 12 pm...

Jake was quietly contemplating the events from over the past couple days, he had barely touched his food. His eyes were filled with worry and what-ifs, the feeling slowly sinking deeper in his mind.

"Hey Jake!"

He looked up to see a perplexed Milly raising an eyebrow at him.

"Why haven't you eaten anything?"

Jake shrugged. "Not hungry I guess."

"Are you sure you feel okay?" Luke asked after taking a drink of water.

"I think so..." he mumbled in response, looking back down at the table.

"You're usually stuffing your face at lunch. Are you sure everything's okay?"

Jake nodded slowly, but not believably.

"You can tell me and Milly anything, what's on your mind."

"I'm just not hungry right now, that's all."

Milly rolled her eyes. "Dude. Eat something. Now."

"I'm just not-


Her dead serious tone shocked Jake down to his bones. Milly is someone you don't want ticked off on you. Scared of doing otherwise, he shoveled some chicken into his mouth.

"There. That wasn't so hard. Now just tell us what's bothering you," Milly's tone softened.

"I would rather not," he replied after finishing his bite.

Milly lowered her eyebrows again. "Jake..."

"Fine, I'll tell you after lunch. Okay," he replied sternly. Her continuous questioning was beginning to annoy him a bit.

The three of them ate in awkward silence until lunch was over.
"Jake? Are you sure this is a good idea?" Milly asked skeptically. It seemed like a horrible idea.

"Yes, I'm sure. It's not the best idea but can you come up with anything better?"

Milly grumpily sighed. "Something tells me the others aren't going to like this."

"We're here," Luke announced with the others in tow.

"What's so urgent Jake?" Sean asked.

Hailey walked in and immediately read Jake's expression like an open book. She didn't know what to say when she came to a conclusion.

Jake took in a breath of air before he said, "We need to tell the Ministry of Magic about us."

"WHAT!??" Luke, Zander, and Sean yelled simultaneously.

"You idiot! We could get arrested!" Zander yelled right after. "You know full well this can only lead to trouble! Even you can't possibly be that stupid!"

"We're kids, we can't get arrested for speaking the truth," Jake responded.

"It may be the truth, but the rest of the world doesn't know that. Symphonic Magic and anything that has to do with it was wiped from history! It's knowledge was banned, do you even remember what Professor Rosy said?!"

"The Silent Hex is the biggest threat since that dude with no nose tried to conquer the world two hundred years ago! He has hundreds, perhaps thousands of followers! He has this stone thingy that I was barely able to crack! And I had to back up the spell with Symphonic Magic! Zander, it nearly cost me my life! Imagine what he's going to do to this world if we don't get some serious backup."

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