Ch.13: What am I to you?

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"I don't like this." Zander grumpily paced back and forth. "I don't like this. Jake's plan is never going to work."


"No Sean, I don't think it's going to work. I can't believe I'm actually going along with this."

"We all know Jake won't let her die," Milly interjected. "None of us would, and if you're so paranoid, why don't you come up with something better."

"Look, we need to come up with an actual plan of some sort," Luke said. "From the amount of pain Hailey's feeling, The Silent Hex must be close."

"Luke's right, what are we going to do?" Sean asked.

"Well, we've memorized that song Hailey made us practice," Milly contemplated. "If we perform it and combine our symphonic magic together, I think it should be enough." Sean nodded in agreement.

"What do you think, Zander?" Luke asked.

"I don't know," Zander answered with a focused expression. "Depends on how powerful The Silent Hex is, how many followers he has, plus that stone Jake mentioned adds another variable-

"Zander, now isn't the time to figure that stuff out right now," Milly replied, her tone filled with worry. Her eyes were locked on the window.

"What are you talking about?-

"Look guys!"

She pointed out the window, the guys gathered behind her and peered over her shoulder.

"Oh God," Sean muttered nervously.

They were already coming.

The sun was coming over the horizon, bathing the herd in an eerie orange and yellow glow, contrasting the black cloths they bore. Thousands of men in dark cloaks were quickly making their way over to Hogwarts at the command of The Silent Hex, who was sitting on a large throne-like contraption, carried by Dementors.

"Oh crap," Zander stuttered. "What are we going to do?!"

"Go with what I said and hope for the best," Milly replied, heading for the door.

"I agree with Milly," Sean added, following in pursuit.

"How the heck are we going to defend the school? We need our instruments!" Zander was practically hyperventilating.

"You and Luke get those out of the band room, Milly and I will see what we can do to temporarily hold them off til you two get the front of the school," he replied.

"Alright. C'mon Luke."

"Right behind you."

The four of them briskly walked out of the room, Milly slamming the door behind them.

"Is that the last of them?" Luke asked.

"Yep, Sean cast a forcefield around our instruments," Zander replied. "Now...we wait for Jake and Hailey."

His relieved expression fell to a saddened gaze, his eyes shifted to the ground.

"You okay Zander?" Luke asked, concerned.


"You don't sound okay. You can tell me anything, Zander."

A tear slid down the edgelord's cheek. "Hailey is one of the very few constants I have left in my life. You know that. My dad left my family when I was ten, my grandpa died last year, my mom fell ill in her latest letter to me, and the fact that Hailey is a horcrux, I don't know how much more loss I can take..." He was choking back sobs at that point.

Luke quickly walked over to him and pulled him into a hug. "I get it Zander, I experienced loss too. But I trust Jake will get her out of this. You and I both know he loves her."

"I know he loves her," Zander muttered. "But what if he can't save her? All the love in the world can't bring someone back from the dead."

"I...have hope he'll save her."

"All of Jake's hope preaches is slowly infecting everyone." Zander gave a slight chuckle.

Luke laughed a little. "People tend to pick up their best friend's habits."

Zander looked up at him. "Luke...did you just call Jake your best friend?"

Luke's heart froze. "What...I-

"You did!" Zander pushed himself out of his arms.

"I swear Zander, that's not what I meant!"

"Yeah sure, I thought I was your best friend?!"

"Zander listen to me," Luke pleaded. "Jake may be my best friend, but-

"You just admitted it! If Jake is your best friend, then what am I to you?"

"Zander! Listen to me!" Luke raised his voice a little. His expression softened when he saw the hurt in Zander's eyes.

"Zander, Jake may be my best friend," Luke continued, his tone softening. "'re so much more than that..."

"What's that supposed to mean...?" Zander asked, his voice quieting to a mumble.

Luke gulped, realizing that he couldn't just tell him with the use of words.

"Dear Lord, forgive me..."

Slowly making his way towards Zander, their eyes locked again, like they did back when they camped out in the Rosewood Mountains.

"Luke, what are you-

Luke cut him off with a gentle kiss, Zander's mind couldn't process it immediately (I guess it runs the family). Eventually, Luke's warming essence got to him, as he slowly closed his eyes. Internal fireworks went off spastically in them both, as Luke slowly ran his fingers through Zander's soft curls.

They both pulled away after a minute or so, practically breathless.

"Luke.." Zander muttered softly. "What was that for?"

"I'm in love with you." He braced himself for rejection.


"Don't worry, I get it. You don't feel that way about me, it's fine," he interrupted. "No hard feelings."

"I love you too."

"...You do?"

"Well...yes. I always have."

Luke burst into a gleaming smile, he swore he felt tears begin to form in his eyes. He gave Zander a massive hug, which was warmly welcomed and returned.

"...Really?! Now?" Milly interrupted their moment.

"Where the hell did you come from?!" Zander snapped.

"Outside!" she yelled in reply. "Sean can't fight off those dementors alone!"

"Fantastic," Zander sarcastically muttered.

"Don't worry, our instruments are protected, come on!" she continued.
End of ch.13

A/N: Sorry this is kinda short, it was originally supposed to be a part of ch.12. But, to celebrate Lander being the first canon ship in The Music Freaks, it got its own chapter.

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