Ch.6: Awakenings Part 2

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My apologies for not updating these past couple days, I've just been busy with school preparation and other things. Anyhow, here's chapter six.
Also, this wasn't my original intention, but I still find it hilarious that some people are comparing Hailey to Harry Potter. 😂

"Well, you guys found the room," Jake nervously said. "Ta da..."

"Wow!" Milly exclaimed. She immediately got off Zander and stood up. "This is soooo cool!!"

"Have you guys bonded with any instruments yet?" Zander asked, brushing himself off.

"Yeah," Hailey replied. "The bass chose me, and apparently Jake is our singer."

"Jake...can...sing??" Zander asked suspiciously. "I guess our local buffoon has talent after all."


Milly then started glowing a shade of dark velvet red.

"Whoa! What's happening?!"

"Which instrument is glowing Hailey?" Jake asked.

"The electric guitar." Hailey removed it from the wall and handed it to Milly.

She gave a sly grin. "Oh yeah!"

Without hesitation, she started playing it, the loud riffing echoed in the room, everyone was covering their ears.

"Milly calm yourself!" Zander shouted. "What if people outside can hear you?"

"Is this room even soundproof?!" Hailey asked, half yelling.

"I hope so, or else we're all screwed," Zander replied. Milly kept riffing away, while everyone else practically went deaf.

A minute later, Luke and Sean came running through.

"We saw Zander and Milly run in here-
Luke immediately stopped talking and covered his ears.

"Oww, Milly!" Sean yelled.

Milly finally stopped. "This. Is. Too. Epic!!"

"What?" Zander asked, with a ringing in his ear.

"Luke! Sean!" Hailey exclaimed. "Did you hear Milly's guitar riff before you entered?"

"No!" Luke yelled. "I wasn't expecting this though!"

"This room is probably soundproof then!" Jake concluded.

"Why are y'all yelling?" Milly asked nonchalantly.

10 minutes later when everyone got their hearing back...

"So apparently, we start to glow a certain color and whatever instrument glows the same color is our chosen instrument?" Zander asked.

Hailey nodded. "Yep."

"That seems too simple."

She shrugged, it did seem too easy, but it's how it works. Plus, symphonic magic is the easiest to control, yet it's extremely powerful. No wonder only a few individuals possess it.

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