Ch.12: The Unexpected

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A/N: Sorry for not posting an actual chapter in like 3648364917957591749 47294893739749274838479174883 years. School is a pain and time consumer T~T

The rain continued to pour outside as Hailey was drying herself under a blanket from her trek through the woods. She felt comfortable, all her worries faded away. Jake had came back and gave a warm smile and gently put his arm around her. Hailey scooted herself closer and they remained quiet for a while, relaxing and enjoying each other's company.

"The rain is quite calming, isn't it?" Jake whispered.

Hailey nodded. "It is."

Jake bit his bottom lip and glanced down at the floor. "I'm sorry Hailey. I'm the one at fault here, you didn't do anything wrong."

"All is forgiven," she replied. "I know you just wanted to give the Ministry a second chance. I find it admirable."

"Stupid is a better word for it."

"Believing the best in people isn't stupid Jake."

"They literally had my mom imprisoned for singing me a lullaby, I should've known they would never change."

"I get it," Hailey replied while pulling him in for a hug. "I can never forgive the person who murdered my parents, but you gave them a chance to redeem themselves. They didn't take it, but it really shows how forgiving you are. One of the many things I love about you is when you believe the best in people, whether they deserve it or not."

Jake placed a gentle kiss on her forehead. "God I love you. Another reason I'm stupid is for not seeing that sooner."

Hailey chuckled. "Jake, it's fine-

"It's not fine. I was pining over a girl who barely knew anything about me and was clearly interested in someone else. It took me five years to finally see the intelligent, beautiful, talented, kind-hearted girl in front of my face this whole time-

Hailey cut him off with a kiss, her hand gently grazed the side of his neck. Despite the suddenness, he warmly returned it.

"Where did that come from?" he asked with a sly grin after they pulled away.

"It was just to let you know that I love you too," she replied with a smile. "No need for explanations."

Jake's facial expression suddenly changed in an instant. "Wait you remember who killed your parents?"

Hailey mentally shuddered at the thought. The Silent Hex killed her parents when she was a baby. She was able to eek out a nod to his question.

Jake saw the reluctance in her body language. "You don't have to tell me who if you don't want to."

Hailey sighed and slowly closed her eyes. "The Silent Hex..."

"I'm sorry...what?"

"You heard me," she replied coldly.

His jaw metaphorically hit the ground. "How did you find out?"

"He told me."

"The Silent Hex told you?? Since when??"

"A couple hours ago."

"What? He visited you? He's here-

"No he's not here."

Legendary: A TMF and Harry Potter AU Story Where stories live. Discover now