Ch.11: Realizations

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Hailey stared out the window, with light rain slowly falling under the dark grey clouds, the light pitter-patter of raindrops dripping onto the roof and gutters. The rain can be calming, and sometimes depressing. Her soft eyes filled with a dark feeling of grief. She never felt more guilty in her life. She should've been a friend, and stand by him. He was adamant about The Silent Hex, just like how she was adamant about her vision. She felt like such a hypocrite. Jake had been missing for the past three weeks. Other than summer and Christmas, they were never apart this long. Hailey couldn't fathom how much she missed him, the aching feeling of guilt was overwhelming. All she wanted was to hug him again, talk to him again, feel his comfort again. She loved her other friends, but Jake was something so much more.

Hailey was spending the afternoon in Luke and Milly's room, Zander and Sean were hanging out there too. She sat at the edge of Jake's bed, gloomily staring out the window into the pouring rain. Milly noticed Hailey's bad mood and sat beside her.

"You miss him, don't you," Milly mumbled, placing her hand on her shoulder. Hailey silently nodded, holding in her tears.

"I do too," she added quietly, eventually hugging her. "We all do. We'll find him."

Zander let out a massive sigh. "Even though Jake's an idiot, I never-

"Zander! Now isn't the time!" Milly hissed.

"I was trying to say that I never wanted him to go missing!"

"Even though it was dumb of Jake to go to the Ministry of Magic about this, we should've stuck by him," Sean added. "I think we all kinda left in the heat of the moment."

"None of us can confirm what he saw!" Zander snapped. "Plus, we're now a bunch of pariahs on the news because of his outburst!"

"Then explain how he almost died!" Milly yelled. "You yourself saved him with that fancy spell Professor Rosy taught you!"

Zander went quiet, she had a point.

"Look, I agree with Zander on the fact Jake shouldn't have gone to the Ministry for help," Luke eventually said to break the silence. "That was dumb on his part. But deep down, we all know he's right. We need to continue looking for him and back him up on this."

"I agree. We all control Symphonic Magic, we can stop The Silent Hex and his followers," Sean added.

"But you heard Jake! There's too many of them! Six of us can't defeat several hundred men and a Dark Wizard! Plus, he mentioned some weird stone thingy," Milly pointed out.

"But didn't he say he already destroyed it?" Sean asked.

"He never actually said he did, he said he was able to crack it by backing up an explosion spell with Symphonic Magic."

"True," Luke said, inserting himself into the conversation. "But if an explosion spell backed up with Symphonic Magic only cracked the stone, then how powerful is it?"

"Jake never told us that part," Milly muttered. "But he probably would have if Zander let him explain himself!!" Her voice raised to a yell.

"You're seriously blaming me?!" Zander sputtered angrily.

Hailey sat there quietly watching them argue. Hoping they wouldn't notice, she stood up and quietly exited the room.

Her aching heart pounded violently as she felt tears slowly pour down her face. Jake was missing, her friends were fighting, The Silent Hex was out there, everything was a mess. And she couldn't vent out her frustrations to Jake because of his absence, or comfort her, or assure her that everything will be okay.

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