Ch.5: Awakenings Part 1

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The next afternoon...

"Geez, will that stupid noise go away!" Milly huffed.

"Not until we find that room Milly," Zander replied, irritated at her constant complaining. "In fact, that's the only reason I want to find it."

"Look, we should split up to cover more ground," Hailey stated.

"Good idea," Sean agreed. "I'll go with Luke." He nodded in agreement.

"I'll go with Jake then," Hailey offered.

"Sounds good to me," Jake replied.

"Oh dear lord no," Zander thought frantically.

"Alrighty, you're stuck with me Zander," Milly exclaimed.

"I'd rather search alone," he grumbled.

"Geez, can you not be a grumpy little grape for once in your life?"

"For the last time, stop calling me that!"

"Nah, it fits you perfectly."

"Let's just go," Hailey sighed.

The six of them parted ways, with Zander mumbling complaints under his breath.
"Jake, the siren call seems to be getting louder," Hailey exclaimed.

"Does it mean we're getting close to the room?" he asked.

"Maybe, I don't know."

They were sprinting down the hallway, hoping to not run into any facility members, pushing past a bunch of students.

"What are those dumb freaks doing?" Zoey asked Lia.

She shrugged. "I don't know."

"Hey Hailey, what's the rush?" Zoey mocked loudly. Jake and Hailey stopped running.

"What the hell do you want?" Jake asked coldly.

"Your liver on a stick," she angrily replied. "I was puking slugs all day, I even had to skip dinner because of you."

"Then leave us alone," Hailey interjected.

"Why you little-

"Zoey," Lia mumbled, placing her hand on her shoulder. "I think it's immature to bother them right now, they seem busy."

Zoey whipped her head around, her face showing signs of extreme judgment. "Are being serious right now?"

"We can try to convince Drew to take us shopping later," Lia bribed. She hesitated for a minute.

"Ugh fine," she huffed. "See you freaks later."

Zoey walked away with Lia in tow. Jake and Hailey were both stunned.

"Did Lia just...?"

"I don't believe it either," Jake finished.

"Let's get going before Zoey comes back," Hailey said.

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