Ch.14: The Reversal of Fate

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A short-lived beam shot out of Sean's wand as it struck an attacker. Milly came running outside with Luke and Zander in tow.

"That wasn't a dementor," Milly stated as they finally caught up to him.

"I know," he replied. "But some of The Silent Hex's followers were up ahead and already here."

"How many?" Zander asked.


The wand was knocked out of the attacker's hand as he ran away in fright.

"A lot," Sean answered. "We need to split up and hold off some of them while we wait for Jake and Hailey."

"Even so, four of us alone can't save the entire school!" Zander yelled.

"He's right," Luke added. "We need more help."

"Can I be of any assistance?" a voice popped up out of nowhere. The four of them turned around to see a beautiful white-haired girl steadily holding her wand.

"Daisy?" Sean stuttered. "What are you doing here?"

"To help you guys," she cheerfully replied. Her carefree attitude stunned the rest of them, due to the dire situation they were all in.

"Wow, five people now, this tOTaLLy makes a huge difference now," Zander sarcastically stated.

"You mean six."

A light-pink haired boy in glasses ran up beside Daisy with a shy grin on his face.

"E-Elliot?" Milly stuttered, while blushing profusely.

"Hey Milly," he sheepishly replied. "Daisy and I just wanted to help."

"Well then, help," Zander grumbled, irritated.

"Milly and Elliot, go to the southwestern rim of Hogwarts," Luke said calmly. "Zander and I will go east, Sean and Daisy, stay here at the front."

"You got it," Sean replied as the other four went to their designated sections.

"I haven't seen you in a while," Daisy giggled. "Where have you been recently?"

Sean debated on whether to lie to her or not. "I've just been really busy recently. Perhaps we can-


She hit an attacker with a beam of energy as he fell to the ground, Daisy let out a soft sigh.

"Let's talk later."

"Yeah, agreed."

"Where did all these people come from?" Elliot asked as he followed her.

"Rosewood Mountains," Milly replied while hiding her blush.

"How do you know?"

"My friends and I vacationed there for a weekend."

"...Interesting vacation spot."

Milly nervously chuckled. "Well, we're adventurous..."

"Did you stumble across them by accident?"

"I-I don't think it's a good time to ask questions," she stuttered.

"You're right, can we catch up later?"

"If we're both still alive, then sure!"

"Milly! Look out!"

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