Ch.9: A Bad Idea...

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Blurred vision with bits of light flowing through, reactivating senses, the inky blackness was ever so slowly disappearing. Consciousness was finally returning. Jake groggily sat up on his bed in the tent, the back of his head pounded tremendously, as if someone had smashed a brick on his head repeatedly. He blinked a couple times to get his sight back. His back was hurting a bit, he was grateful he didn't shatter his spine, he would've been paralyzed or dead.

" did I get back here?"

He noticed Hailey sitting alone in a wooden chair, her head drooping. Her eyes looked red and puffy, she must've been crying a lot.

"H-Hailey," Jake stuttered.

She looked at him and her eyes widened. "Jake!"

Hailey bolted up out of her chair, quickly made her way towards him, and practically tackled him with a giant hug. He hugged back tightly, despite his back hurting from it.

"Thank God you're alive," she happily whispered.

"How long have I been unconscious?" he asked.

"The past 36 hours," Hailey replied, her eyes softened a bit.

"How did I get back here?"

"Hailey found you," Zander stoically replied, entering the room. "She was so insistent that she should follow you, so she made me go with her."

"Plus, you hadn't been back for several hours," Hailey added. "When I saw you lying on the forest floor in a pool of blood, I knew you weren't going to live unless we did something."

"I'll tell the other three the simp is awake," Zander mumbled to Hailey.

She chuckled. "Alright."

Zander left the room to leave Hailey alone with Jake on bed-rest.

His eyes lowered. "Hailey, I'm so sorry I didn't listen to you."

"It's alright Jake," she replied with a soft smile.

"But you seemed so certain about it. I just wished I was. If I had listened, I wouldn't have a concussion and an achy spine."

"The important thing is that you're alive." She gave another soft smile.

"And I have you to thank."

"Well kinda, I found you but Zander knew the spell that would nurse you back to health."

Jake raised an eyebrow. "So, the grumpy little grape does care."

Hailey chuckled. "Don't tell him that I told you."


They turned so see Milly run up to them. She practically tackled Jake with a hug. Zander, Luke, and Sean followed.

"Are you okay?!" she exclaimed.

Jake winced a bit from the pain. "Y-Yea."

"What happened?" Luke asked, sitting beside Hailey. Sean stood behind Milly showing expressions of concern.

"Well uhh..." Jake started. "I found The Silent Hex..."

"You mean The Silent Hex's descendant?" Zander corrected.

"Uh-no...I mean... The Silent Hex."

"How is that possible?!"

"Trust me it is." Jake's eyes went dark and cold that practically sent a chill up his own spine. "The Silent Hex himself is alive. I saw him with my own eyes. I witnessed his plan. He nearly killed me."

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