Ch.8: This is not what I signed up for

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Hailey had been tossing and turning for the past hour, unable to sleep. She was sure that something was off. Jake reassuring her that everything would be fine didn't seem to cut it. It usually did, this newfound feeling was starting to scare her. Was Jake in danger? She couldn't shake it.

A hand touched her shoulder, she whipped herself around, startled.

"Hailey? You okay?"

"Oh Jake," she whispered, calming her heartbeat. "You scared me."

"I noticed you had trouble sleeping."

Hailey nodded. "Why are you awake then?"

"I was worried about you. What seems to be the bother?" he asked, seating himself beside her.

She gave a small smile, the fact he worries about her warmed her heart a little. "It's nothing."

"You sure?"

She nodded again while sitting up. "I'll be fine."

"Alright. Try to get some sleep." He gave a wink and started to stand up.

Hailey bit her lip and reached for his hand. She didn't want him to go just yet.

"Are you sure you're okay?" He looked back at her, intertwining his fingers with hers.

She nodded, slowly pulling him back. "I'm just a little scared about this whole situation."

"Don't be," he whispered. "I'll always be there to protect my princess."

She chuckled and gave up on objecting to the nickname.

"That makes you my knight in shining armor then," she unknowingly said with a smirk.

Jake raised an eyebrow. "You like the idea of that, don't you."

Hailey started blushing. "I-I didn't mean for it to come out like that."

"Sure..." he replied sarcastically.

"Oh stop it," she sputtered, playfully punching him in the arm.

He chuckled a bit and pulled her in for a hug. "I mean it though, I'd put your safety above my own, no questions asked."

Hailey hugged back, not wanting to let go. She felt safe in his arms, a feeling she may never get again. "Don't Jake, it's not necessary."

"I hope it's never necessary, but if it is I will."

"Are you two going to be like this the whole night or are you going to actually get some sleep?" a voice popped in.

They both turned around, startled, with a grumpy-looking Zander holding a flashlight at them.

"Go to sleep, or your giggling will wake everyone else up."

He turned off the flashlight and walked away to the other room.

"We should get some sleep though," Jake whispered.

"Yeah." She smiled a little.

"Night princess."

"Goodnight," she replied with a chuckle as she slowly drifted off to sleep.
What the hell is going on??? What kind of a nightmare is this?!

"Game over kid!"

"Not if I can help it!"

A powerful blast came out of his wand, but he quickly jumped out of its way. He dove behind a boulder and whipped out his wand.


A blast of magic shot out of his wand and hit the man in the shoulder. His eyes bulged with pain and he clenched his teeth.

Legendary: A TMF and Harry Potter AU Story Where stories live. Discover now