Author's Note

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How long have I been writing this for? Too long honestly lol, but I think this took me about 3 months.

Fun fact, the title of this fanfic came from a song (Legendary by Skillet). Go check it out if your interested.

And y'all didn't get to see anyone's Patronus other than Lia's, so, here's everyone's confirmed Patronus:
- Jake: Stag
- Hailey: Doe
- Zander: Cat
- Luke: Stallion
- Milly: Fox
- Sean: Sparrow
- Daisy: Swan
- Elliot: Hare
- Lia: Mare (y'all already know this one)
- Drew: Otter
- Henry: Jack Russell Terrier
- Liam: Crow
- Zoey: Weasel (I love how well this fits)

But in all seriousness, this has truly been a challenge for me to write.

First of all, I have very little knowledge of Harry Potter. Secondly, due to covid, online schooling made it so I got more homework than normal. Teachers at my school think we have more free time just because we're online. Thirdly, I can't count how many times I got writer's block over the course of this fanfic.

Without the amount of support and heartwarming comments from you amazing people, I would've given up on this fanfic long ago.

Even though the romance is kinda cringy, and there's a lot of plot holes in this, I'm still kinda proud of it. Mainly because people still enjoyed it...somehow lol

But, besides that, there's another reason why I kept going with this fanfic.

In the last few chapters in particular, I brought the word "hope" up a lot. Not just for plot convenience and lack of motivation, I kept adding it for a reason.

During this period of uncertainty, with covid and many other tragedies that have befallen the world this year, people have lost many of their livelihoods due to the reaction of the virus. It results in people giving up on their dreams, sulking into a depression, and in many ways, losing hope.

I get that 2020 is a bad year, and the situations many of us are in are quite difficult, but always have hope that everything will turn out okay in the end.

It's the biggest theme I wanted to stress in this fanfic.

It's kinda weird to be optimistic during this time of all the possible times to be so, but now is when it's going to count.

Whatever you want to achieve in life, have hope you can succeed as long as you put in the effort. No matter what situation you, your family, your nation, etc. is in.

If I can project one thing from this fanfic, have hope.

Anyhow, that's enough chatter. Thank you so much for reading.

If your interested in some of my other works, one of my completed works is "An Unexpected Lockdown", a simple Jailey fanfic.

However, the original sequel I planned for it is officially cancelled since I lost all my ideas and motivation for it.

One of my works in progress is "Analyzing Ships from Rosyclozy's: The Music Freaks". It's where I look at some of the most popular ships from the series and give an in-depth, objective analysis on each one.

I'm also working on a murder mystery/ romance/ paranormal themed TMF fanfic that will be released sometime in early to mid-December. So, if you're interested in any of these, feel free to stick around.

Have a wonderful day everyone. Be a Zander, stay fabulous 😎


Legendary: A TMF and Harry Potter AU Story Where stories live. Discover now