Chapter 3

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"Feeling my way through the darkness, guided by a beating a heart" My alarm started.

"UHRG!" was the only thing I could muster.

"I can't tell where the journey will end, But I know where to start" the alarm continued, waiting to be dismissed

I was still willing my body to return to dream land. I was having such an odd yet relaxing dream. I was playing dolls with Adi in her room. While getting Barbie and Ken into her little car to go on a date my sister stood still for a second and I heard a little grunt. I knew what this meant, of course I had seen it many times, soon the back of my sisters pull-up droop and the designs in front disappeared. But that was when things started going from normal to abnormal. I felt the need to go too, and just like my sister I started to go up slightly on my knees and push. I could feel my butt grow warm with a messy poo, which was quickly followed up with a hiss as I started to pee. I looked down expecting to find a growing wet spot on my shorts, but when I looked down it was not any piece of clothing that I found but a slightly yellowed diaper. I smiled like this was completely normal and quickly sat on my butt with a plop. Its ok someone will come soon and change me I thought as I pushed the toy car along the floor talking in the voices of the two dolls.

"They tell me I'm too young to understand, they say I'm caught up in a dream"

"But I hardly got any sleep, I only just...."And that was when I remembered why I was staying up last night.

"Well life will pass me by if I don't open up my eyes, well that's fine by me"

My eyes were open alright, WIDE OPEN. My heart had basically stopped beating. I had not moved, trying to think, I don't think I felt anything odd down there. My hand slowly made its way down my shirt, afraid of what it would find after it reach the waistband of my pajamas. By the time that my hand reached my crotch the song was well into the chorus.

"O thank god I am dry!" I exhaled a breath that I did not know I was holding

But then I quickly remembered the dream that I had and my hand quickly shot to the back of my pants.

Clean, ok I was clean, this is good. With an accident averted the adrenaline started to drain from my body and I finally dismissed my alarm. Despite my body, eyes, and mind all wanting to go back to sleep, I knew I had to get up and see if school was closed first.

I trudged down the steps to the living room, grabbing the handrail a little harder than normal incase I fell asleep mid step.

"Morning Mom" I greeted barely understandable in my zombie state.

"Morn' sweetheart" my mom giggled, noticing the fact that I was barely able to stand. "Bad news, looks like it never got cold enough last night and although the roads are wet, they never froze. So get in the shower and eat so that you can make the bus."

"URG!" I cried as I did a 180 to go back up the stairs to shower. Freaking global warming, don't you know when a girl needs her beauty sleep!

I walk into the bathroom and turn on the tap before starting to undress to make sure it's warm before I jump in.

I normally like taking long hot showers, it was a great time to think. This time however there was not much thinking, the warm water was nice and it took all the energy in the world to not fall back asleep. After washing and shaving all parts that needed to be. I turned off the tap and grabbed a towel to start drying. God I was so stupid for staying up.

I wrap my hair in a towel and another around my body before exiting the bathroom to head to my room. As I walked down the hallway I passed Sydni in a short white shirt and an obviously wet goodnite on her way to take her shower. She was obviously much more well rested than I was.

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