Chapter 14

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Hope you enjoy!

Chirping, very loud and annoying chirping could be heard outside my bedroom window. The thought of throwing Carrot, my tattered stuffed rabbit to hopefully scare away the noise makers came to mind. But I could not let him leave my side in my time of need. I could tell I was feeling better. My head was clear, temperature down, and my stomach settled. However there was one pain, my bladder. I had not wet while sleeping, my goodnight was currently dry; a sign that I was indeed on the mend. This time, I did not even think about getting out of bed, I relaxed and slowly let the liquid out into the awaiting garment. After I am all done, I give a little giggle as I wiggle my butt causing liquid to pool before being soaked back up. I give Carrot an extra tight hug as I stare up at my ceiling in complete bliss.

There was a knock on my door.

"Come in" I call out, my voice no longer causing me pain

My dad walks in with a smile on his face. "Someone is awake finally! I know the medicine said drowsiness but I never would have suspected someone to sleep 24 hours."

"Wait, I have been asleep for an entire day?" I asked in disbelief, I have had my fair share of times I had slept in, even into the afternoon never for a full day. The level of my sickness started to dawn on me. I do remember my mom coming in to give me medicine, force me to drink some water, and change me multiple times, but barely continuous during those times.

"So was all the rest worth it? Are we feeling better now?" he asks, placing a thermometer in my mouth. I nod my head yes enthusiastically.

"Well your fever is still a little high, but at least it's coming down." My dad said as he read the numbers and gave my head a pat. "Are you feeling up to eating something bunny?"

I now notice how empty my stomach felt, no wonder after going more than a full day without eating. "Yes please, I am starving"

"Okay, I will tell mom to bring you something up. I have to go take your sister to her indoor soccer game. Probably won't be home until lights out are called for you." he said in his warm and caring voice. "We will get you something cold to drink too" he picks up my sippy cup and starts to walk out of the room.

Just as he is about to walk through the doorway he pauses. "Oh, and mom wanted me to ask you" he began obviously struggling. "Do you need to be...changed?" pausing for a while before he said the last word. Although my dad had two, and now three girls in protection at some point in the day he was never one to be an active changer.

I blush, this being a new question to me."Um...yea...I am a little wet" I say nervously, that my answer could cause him to make an uncharacteristic change.

"I will let the boss know" My dad said as he quickly left, leaving me with my wetness and relieved.

A while later I heard the garage door opening and after Sydni and my dad pulled out of the driveway. A few minutes after that my mom walked through the door holding a tray.

"I heard a rumor that someone was hungry." she said very cheerfully as she placed the tray on my desk. "And I heard someone was in need of a change first." She knelt by my bedside gathering the supplies which were strategically placed near my bedside as I turned myself into position.

"So if you are feeling up to it, Adeline really wanted to watch a movie this afternoon. I am sure she would like to have her big sister there to watch with her." She said as she ripped the sides of my goodnite and grabbed a couple wipes.

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