Chapter 4

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God has it been a long day at school. Surprisingly most of the kids had also showed up today. Thankfully though the teachers were just as tired as I was, it looks like most of them expected to be at home today too. I have had two out of five hours show movies, only Miss Flowers decided to have a pop quiz in Bio.

As I walked into my last hour of Mrs. Lemons AP the last thing I expected was the projector to be on and the title screen of a DVD waiting to be played during my AP Calculus class. Somehow a show about math solving crime investigator is related enough to math for it to count. I was not going to complain though; I had already caught up on my sleep in my previous classes now I need to think.

I had a dream again in second hour while I slept through Muzzy. This time I was at home, curled up on the couch watching cartoons, oddly Scooby and the gang were talking in french. Similar to last time I was dressed in a much more similar manner to my sister than my normal wardrobe, just a gray long sleeve with Barbie written on it and a diaper. As I sat there, I felt the need to pee, but unlike a normal teenager, I did not get up from the couch, I let it go sitting under my big fuzzy blanket.

"ZOINKS!!" croaked Shaggy seeming to react to the growing warmth on my crotch and butt as my liquids pooled under me. I wiggled my butt feeling my diaper squish beneath me as another pressure begins to grow.

I stood up the blanket still pinned to my front and start going through the motion to give a little push.

Before I could successfully mess myself I had been woken up by the bell. It was that rude awakening that had been stuck in my head during the entire day.

By the time Mrs. Lemons finished telling us the high overview of her favorite show, Numbers, and about how she picked her favorite episode just for us I had made my decision.

I was going to poop and pee my pants again. As a 17 year old I was going to purposefully not use the facility my parents worked so hard to get me to use 15 years ago. However I had made one big calculation mistake. In preparation to be able to experiment right when I got home I had skipped my normal pee between classes, now I was sitting watching a nerdy man solves a murder of a sociallite with math as my knee bonched up and down. If it was not for my distraction I would probably be enjoying the episode.

True I wanted to pee myself but not in front of all my peers. This would kill any hopes of not being known as that one girl.

With five minutes left in class I knew I could not make it home.

"Maybe I should just wet myself right here, I bet that would get me sent back to diapers." the voice in my head urged me. This excited me already starting to cause a kind of dampness. But I knew I couldn't do that, not before I confirmed my dirty desires.

As the bell rang I ran, not home, not to the bus, but to the bathroom. I knew I couldn't make it home, it was a 30 minute bus ride and I barely made it through the hour.

As I ran I got a yell from Mrs Flowers to slow down and almost pushed K.C. Roberts to the ground. Through my haste I was able to make it to the bathroom and snag the last stall that had a door of which I could close. As my stream hit the bowl I was filled with such a relief but I couldn't help but think how all this pain could have been avoided with a diaper and how I would currently be on the bus right now if I had one on.

I didn't have time to think though I had to catch that bus; and although I kinda had to poo I still had a plan to keep to.

I ran to my locker and grabbed my coat, got to leave my backpack behind since I didn't not have homework. I was on my bus just as the doors started to close, all because I did not listen to Mrs. Flowers even when she threatened detention.

I looked for a familiar face to sit by since no empty seats were left for me. Jess was staying after for cheer practice and probably hanging out with whatever guy was this months love story, I gave up trying to remember after Loren Carlson back in September. But that was Jess and I loved her just as I always will.

It didn't take me long to find the metal ridden teeth long hair of my best friend second only to Jess herself, Jason. I have known Jason for the longest, meeting him on the playground in kindergarten after falling off the jungle gym after Kristen Mcfarlane pushed me and scraping my knee. He yelled at her calling her a meanie and helped me get to the nurses office; my hero. After that, our friendship was set in stone. Just like Jess, Jason had was beautiful but you would never hear him say that. His beauty was hidden, hidden beneath the pothole scarred face from a grueling 8th and 9th grade battle with pimples. I have always tried to encourage him to battle his self consciousness and start talking to girls in our class. But his eyes had always been set for one girl, one girl he would probably never get, Jess.

"Well if it isn't sleeping beauty!" welcomed Jason with a wink as I swung into the seat with him. "You seem to be a lot more awake after that nap in French!"

"Ya I needed it! But even if I didn't I can never seem to stay awake during that stupid cartoon." I laughed, getting into my normal mood that was so easy to be around my best friends.

"I know what you mean. I was half asleep until I found another piece of entertainment." agreed Jason

"O ya what was that? Did you find a new crush to start winking at?" I asked curiously

"Nope! I noticed that you were having a dream; and that you were talking in your sleep." Jason said with a mischievous grin.

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