Chapter 15

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I had spent the entire week home sick. Although I thought I was feeling better, my Sunday afternoon cry turned out was not just me being a silly girl crying over a lost chance at love but the last raindrop which broke the dam. Monday and Tuesday I could barely keep water down let alone get out of bed much worse than at the start of the weekend. Dad came home that Tuesday with some more medicine; something the doctor said was the strongest he could give without me having to go to the hospital myself but it did not seem to work fast enough. On wednesday my mom forced me to take a bath after a very messy blowout, normally I would have taken a shower but getting into the bath was difficult enough. I wanted to object to my mom helping me but that too took too much energy. Thankfully the bath or the medicine worked a miracle and Thursday morning I was feeling much better. I did not tell mom that though, I wanted to stay home a little longer. My temp being a little high helped to hide this.

It was now Friday lunch time, I had been active yesterday afternoon coming out of my room and onto the main floor for the first time since the start of the week, playing with my sister a bit in her playroom. Today was no different as I was busily playing away with Barbie, Ken and Kelly until I heard my mom yell for us to wash up for lunch. Lunch was simple Mac and Cheese and hotdogs, a staple diet for when I was young and obviously nothing had changed as it was also one of Adi's favorites. The gooey cheesy fake cheese was terrible for you, but I hope it never grows old for my taste buds.

As my stomach filled it became apparent that I needed to pee, I was still "protected" like I had been during the weekend and quickly let go a steady stream as my mom got up to grab me a second helping of the wonderful noodles. The slightly stained garment from my early wetting during my play time now became obviously soaked as it became darkened. It was weird how this had become second nature to me in just a week. Sitting in front of my family with no pants on yet completely able to wet myself without a struggle.

"I am glad your appetite has come back honey. I was really starting to worry you were going to lose enough weight that I was going to have to buy you a whole new wardrobe." My mom said in a kidding manner. Sure I was keeping only a third of what I was putting in but I was already too skinny, I am not sure I could lose weight even if I wanted to. I chose to ignore her, instead I enjoyed the growing warmth between my legs and of course the warm bowl of noodles now in front of me.

As I started to devouver my second bowl it was apparent that I did not just need to pee. Although pooping myself had become just as easy as peeing, doing so outside of the confines my bedroom had not.

"Your messy bottom has been exposed countless times, there is no reason you can't do this in front of your mom" said the little voice inside my head. Although I was correct it did not seem to be that easy and I still kept the shame that came with going to the bathroom outside of solidarity, especially in front of an adult.

"But Brittany, you are an adult, you are 18. An adult that wears and uses diapers" continued that annoying voice. As the pressure slowly started to build as I continued to eat I decided to release a little bit of gas as my mom walked out of the room with Adi's dish. This might have been a mistake as it must have been the plug holding everything back and the need increased ten fold by the time my mom shortly returned.

"Ok Adeline lets get you changed" my mom said as she picked her up out of her chair after giving her face a quick wipe. "How are you doing Brittany?" my mom asked

I was forcing myself not to squirm too much but I am sure it was evident that I still had to go. "I am pretty wet, I probably could use a change after I am done eating" I said taking another bite, anything to distract my mind from the need to go right now.

"Ok hunny" she responded in what I swear was a knowing tone. "I'll meet you in your room when you are done". With that she finally left the room and I quickly leaned forward using the table to lift myself slightly off the seat and let my body relax. What a silly thing to be doing as I could easily look across the the dining table and into the other room where the door to the bathroom was open, and a week ago I would have been in there doing what I was doing right now, well except for the fact that a warm mass would not be growing beneath me. I decided to stand for the rest of my meal, quickly downing my bowl as I walked into the kitchen and placing it into the sink.

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