Chapter 13

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I woke in my bed, in the dark and in a lot of pain. I tried to look at my clock but I must have turned too quickly as the numbers just spun around for a few moments, was it 3...4? I honestly could not care anymore. I noticed that I am soaking wet, everywhere, I must have been sweating all night. I moved my hands across my body to throw my sheets which felt like it weighed a hundred times its normal weight off to cool down, but was shocked as I got near my waist.

"Son of a bitch" I say to myself and immediately regret the pain my voice created on my throat.

I throw my covers completely off my body and quickly stand up to change my sheets and clothes. A little too quickly it turns out and I immediately fall with a loud thud as my body fought against me and I start to cry.

A moment later I hear my door open and see my mom walk in as she turns on the light.

"O honey what happened?" My mom asked as she knelt next to me.

"I wet the bed, but when ... when I got up....I...I fell."I whisper, remembering what my voice did last time I tried to speak.

"Your fever seems to have gotten worse." My mom stated as she placed her hand on my forehead. "I should have known this was going to happen. You used to always wet the bed when you sick, it's just been so long since the last time, I assumed you had grown out of it"

"I'm sorry mom, I didn't mean to," I said, starting to shiver as the cold air hit my wet clothes.

"I know sweety, here take this" she said in a motherly tone as she grabbed the pillow from my bed and placed it under my head, she then took the blanket from my bed and laid it on me as I curled up on the floor. "I will take care of everything, you just rest"

I heard her go in and out of my room as she changed my sheets, but I could not watch, I could barely keep my eyes open.

A few moments later as I was about to fall asleep my mom gently shook my shoulder. "We are almost done and you can get back into your bed, ok honey?" as she slowly took my blanket off.

"We just need to get these wet clothes off you" I was about to object but the world started spinning again. Soon I was naked in front of my mother and completely helpless.

"I borrowed these from you sister and I don't want to hear any objections ok?" my mother ordered as she started to use wet wipes on my skin to wash any urine that was left over from my accident. When normally this chill would cause a shock to my system, it instead felt amazing to cool my hot sweaty skin.

Then I felt something being tugged up my legs, at first I thought it was just another pair of underwear, until I felt the extra cushion that was added to my butt.

"Mom what are you doing?" I meekly let out.

"Honey I want you to wear one of your sister's goodnites, I am sure this will not be the last time you wet the bed if history continues to be true. Judging by your ability to get out of bed I don't want you to even try. You will stay in bed if you wake up, I won't get mad, and I will take care of everything." My mom sounded serious as she helped me into a new shirt but I was barely able to comprehend what was happening. I was soon back in my bed, in new clean and cool sheets, clothes and goodnight as my mom brushed my hair and I returned to dreamland.


By the time I had woken up the sun had been in the sky for some time. I could hear Adi down stairs playing and giggling loudly and my mom yelling at her each time to be quiet. I was still in a lot of pain but no where near what I was the night before.

"LAST NIGHT!" I groan, obviously things were not that much better.

I start to remember the events of last night, the wetting of my bed, my mom coming to clean me up, but most important of all the goodnight that was now between my legs and my hand currently examined. I cannot believe that all happened. I start to get hot again, as if that was even possible, as the embarrassment that should have hit last night finally occurred.

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