Chapter 10

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I let out a deep sigh, exhaling the last of my sleep. "Come in," I called to the little monsters behind the solid wood door.

A little girl in a purple shirt and diaper burst forward yelling happy birthday followed a little more cautiously by her older sister who knew she just woken a sleeping bear.

"We made you birthday cards!" Announced Adi handing over a folded piece of craft paper with glitter glue haphazardly plastered on it. Syd handed her paper over too, a little more organized with letters that were neat and straight.

"Mom also wanted to have us wake you up for breakfast, she made waffles and bacon." said Sydni, no longer scared as she saw the smile on my face from my sister's gifts.

"Oh bacon!" I said suddenly, starving as I threw off my covers.

Adi started giggling. "Why are you wearing your clothes from last night? " She asked "You are supposed to wear PJs to bed silly!"

"Oh" I said looking down and realizing what i had just revealed, "I must have been so tired that I went to bed and fell straight asleep" I lied, not wanting to bring up and explain why I was so sad last night. "Tell mom that I will be down in a couple minutes, I just want to change into something different."

As they both ran out of my room I placed the cards on my dresser. Next to my clock was a picture of Jess and I from last summer at the ice cream store, Jason drove us to when he got his licence. Just after taking the picture I had dropped my ice cream and started crying, Jess had called me a baby, but bought me another cone. It made me wonder how she would really act if I told her about the past week. Probably just like in my dream, calling me a baby before abandoning me.

I threw on a pair of sweats and hoodie that was on the top of my dirty clothes pile before exiting my room into the fragrant scent of bacon that had filled the house.

I sat at the table after a happy birthday greeting from both my parents. My dad had made a smiley face with the waffle, a cut up strawberry for eyes and bacon smile like he had done every year. This year he had added whip cream for hair, telling me that if I don't quit getting older I would soon have gray hair. I made sure to give him a death glare and remind him of his hair, but it did not stop his deep laugh.

I decided to hop in the shower after breakfast as I heard my phone chime, I got a text from Jason just before I hoped in.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Jess and I will be there around 1. I think you should eat lunch, but Jess keeps saying that she knows her best friend and there would be no need, so take that for what it's worth.

Best friend huh, was I really sure of that? I used my long shower to think on it.

I had taken Jason's advice but only ate a small PB&J at noon. And used the rest of my time to get dressed and avoid my mom in my room. I decided to dress similar to what I did last night, except this time I decided to become an adult.

"There is no thinking like a baby today Brittany, you are 18 now, and that means you are an adult! And an adult is how you will act!" I encouraged my mirror image as I put my hair into a tight ponytail.

By five minutes past one there was a knock on the door.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY B!" yelled Jess as I opened the door and was enveloped in a tight hug. Normally I loved Jess's hugs, her sweet perfume and warm body combined to always bring warmth to my heart, but today it felt different.

"Happy birthday Brittany." Said Jason from the doorway, a much calmer than Jess. "What is with the new car in the driveway?"

How could I be so stupid, I was so upset from last night I never told either of my best friends about my mom giving me her car.

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