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The meeting was held in the pack house, where most of the wolves without mates lived. Her parents also lived there. Looking around the room, Santana noticed that many of the men and women looked like hot athletes, or models. She felt intimidated by the women, knowing that they were extremely beautiful and strong. Staring down at her slim, short body…she blushed nervously. The only good feature she thought was her large chest.

*Sage, you’ve been quiet for awhile, what’s wrong?*


*Are you okay?*

Do you actually think that I’d want to talk to you, after what you did? My Sebastian drove himself crazy with sadness thinking that you hated them both. You had him down on his knees! That, in my books, is something that I should ignore you for!

*I didn’t tell him to drop down to his knees! Those were his actions, not mine. Didn’t you see him going to hit me?!*

Oh my god kid! You hit him in the first place! I wasn’t surprised that he was leaning in to do the same back.

*A man should never hit a woman, even if she hits him! That’s just an honouring thing to do.*

Sage didn’t reply.

Someone tapped her on the shoulder. She turned to see a good looking guy who had a long scar across his cheek, great blue eyes and blonde hair. He was well built, and tall. Another hunk…

“Hey. You’re the long lost Alpha’s daughter, right?”

“Yeah,” she replied.

“We should hang out sometime. I’m Tate Lanter,” he smiled. She liked him right away. He was one of those guys’s that were carefree, goofy, and loving. “Yeah, I’d like that Tate,” she smiled back at him.

“Me too,” he winked and stood beside her, turning to the Alpha as he started the meeting.

“So those of you who don’t know, we recently left to return my missing daughter. Beta Damon Serenity, found her in Salmon Arm, just around the town called Celista.”

The pack cheered loudly and whistled happily. Some patted Damon on the back and hugged him. She looked at him, smiling. Right at that moment, they met eyes. It was the strangest feeling, and something between her core felt heated. She didn’t know what it was, but she felt so…so hot. Her whole body was on fire. Tate’s presence to her left, sent shivers up and down her spine.

Troy continued his speech. “Casey Serenity had a vision when she touched my daughter’s hand. It was a horrendous one. She saw Santana leading the pack, but most of us weren’t there with her. This would be in a couple years as her appearance looked older. The thing is there was a person wearing a black cloak leading almost one hundred wolves against the town.

The whole packed gasped and started chattering nervously with each other.

“We’re going to train harder than ever, and teach her everything we know. If she is the one leading, we need her to be trained.”

They all agreed.

Santana felt the heat flare, igniting like hot lava exploding all over her.

*Sage, something’s wrong. I’ve never felt like this before!*

Jokingly, Tate nudged her in the ribs. He was just being himself, but didn’t realize what he did. She moaned, noisily. The whole pack stopped chattering, and stared at her. It was the most embarrassing situation she’d ever been in. Not knowing what to do, she ran as fast as she could outside. Someone was following her, three people. She smelled the air and realized it was Nova, Damon, and…Tate. “Ugh, just leave me alone!” she yelled angrily. Her pace increased as she realized one of them was getting closer. The smell wafted towards her. It was Nova.

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