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Santana awoke to find herself sleeping in bed alone. The warmth gone from the blanket next to her, she knew that he had been gone for quite some time. She dreamt of shopping with her mate, him picking out her clothes and when she tried them on he said she was sexy. She blushed, thinking about it. Walking into the bathroom, she noticed a bunch of red marks along her neck, and it went down into her cleavage area. Looking closer, she shrieked. They were love marks; hickeys! One was below her chin, and on her cheek. Hands shaking, she reached up and ran them through her hair angrily. “How can I go in public now that I have these freakin’ marks on my skin? Does he think I’ll just flaunt around happily?”

*Pay back love.*

*You bit me so many times before and actually inflicted so much pain I fainted! That bite was nothing compared to what you put me through from yours.”

“Well maybe I just wanted to show everyone that you’re mine.”

She turned to see him standing in the bathroom doorway, his sexy body causing her heart to skip a beat. Choking, she snarled at him. “Do you even see this? This is way too much Nova! You’re starting to piss me off again!” she yelled loudly.

He raised his head high, and stood there, arms folded over his chest. She could clearly see his muscles flexing, and became flustered. He smirked, knowing what she was thinking.

Changing the subject he smiled “It’s all settled now. I talked with Hadyn and Tate and they wanted to come shopping with us, so I said alright. Seeing as you ladies are becoming closer each day.”

“Oh my god; okay now I’m really excited,” she forgot about the love marks until she looked back at her reflection in the mirror. “Ugh, just go already!” she slammed the door in his face too embarrassed to talk with him any longer.

She let the hot water splash on her face, steam surrounding her, fogging up the glass door. She let out a long sigh, and held in her breath as she rubbed her face with a wash cloth and soap. The soap suds trickled down her neck, around the hickeys. They burned as the bubbles seeped into the love bites; she hissed in frustration. Wiping her nose, she rubbed her hands through her hair as she used her favourite lavender shampoo, the one that Nova said smelled really good. She used it all the time now after he said that. Her hands tangled in the blonde strands, combing it with her fingers. It felt refreshing. She always loved long hot showers as it helped her think clearer and washed away the stress. She also had cold showers when she was in complete rage, not being able to think straight.

Turning off the tap, she grabbed a soft green towel and wrapped it around her after squeezing the water out of her hair. She looked at the foggy mirror and listened to the water gurgling down the drain. Stepping out onto the coolest matt ever, she smiled. It was a matt outlined by black metal in a neat design, but on the inside it wasn’t a normal rug. Moss covered the inside, and whenever you stepped onto it, the water would absorb into the moss. The matt seemed very unique and environmental friendly.

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