Chapter 86 (The End)

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Omg! This is it, the end!

I just want to say to all the readers who have read this story and has made it this far: Thank you so so so much for the support! This has been so much fun, and every single one of you have made these many months less boring while writing! And thanks for voting and commenting, you all have inspired me throughout the way! And thanks to the silent readers and well!:)


Santana yawned as she opened her eyes, the sun shone in from the window waking her up completely. Turning her head, she saw her lovely mate with their three beautiful daughters laying in-between them.

If someone told her back in the past that she was going to meet the man of her dreams and have triplets with him, she probably wouldn't have believed them. For one, she never was the type of girl to attract a man such as her mate, and two, how in the hell could she give birth to three baby girls within eight whole hours?! That's just insane!

Her four angels shifted in their spots all at the same time, sleeping so peacefully. She smiled, reaching down to pull the blanket up to cover her babies, including Nova. His lips quivered as she ran her hand up his arm and then up to his cheek which didn't even wake him in the slightest. She thought about how possessive and overprotective he usually was and felt sort of bad for her daughters. In the future, no boy or mate would get to anyone of them without a fight.

If someone wanted her to define what happiness was, she'd tell them that it was waking up in the middle of the night to feed your newborn babies, shifting underneath the blankets and feeling your mate's warmth next to you. And when you wake before that mate, you get to see them in their most calming, innocent, and vulnerable state. The urge to touch them is great, and when you do it's like an adventure. Exploring them until a smile forms on your lips, and you can't stop the grin that appears non-stop; until they somehow know you're staring at them and pull you close to their chests.

That is what happiness is.

Nothing could get any better than what she went through every single day.

She was a mother, protector, fighter, and a wife. So many things since her life changed for the better.

"Wa," one of her daughters cooed catching her attention. Looking down, she saw the only baby she had with brown hair and gold eyes, whist the others had blonde hair with big bright gold orbs. Krishna stared up at her lovingly, her eyes absorbing everything as Santana smiled down at her little baby.

"Hey baby," Santana kissed Krishna's chubby cheek and beamed as her daughter squirmed to be held.

"Wooo" Krishna cooed as Santana picked her up to cradle.

"I love you," Santana whispered quietly and then turned to Nova who stared back at her adoringly.

'I love you' he mouthed before reaching up and kissing them both on the cheeks.

Life was finally right.

Santana nodded to herself. *It's where I belong.*


I may or not do one of those chapters where I tell about what happened in the end to all the other characters. I'm not really sure because I have so many stories planned out and it involves them. I don't want to give away anything:/

So, how did you like it? I watched The Life of Pi today and heard the name Krishna and I love it. It means black, dark. That is why I made her have dark brown hair and the other two daughter's blonde:) Their names are for the next future sequel so blah!

Thanks again for the support!!!!:D

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