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Santana sat in her new room, thinking to herself. She was still in shock over what happened. She remembered in movies how wolves tore their prey apart like it was nothing and were vicious creatures. Why didn’t the wolf tear her to shreds? A gust of wind rattling the windows interrupted her thoughts. It was snowing. She sighed and fell asleep on the rough bed.

“Santana, wake up,” Morgan shook her roughly.

She opened her eyes to see her father standing beside the bed. What time is it?

“It’s time to work. In order for you to stay here, you’ll have to help me on the farm.”

Her eyes widened. Is he for real? “I have to work to stay in my own father’s house,” she said sarcastically.

“You’re eighteen Santana. It’s time you start acting like it. Even Kiara’s gone to work already, she drove herself as well!”

She nodded. It was embarrassing to be yelled at like this. She only had her L and barely drove, and never had a job in her life. Babysitting was her only income, but the pay wasn’t much.

“What kind of work do I have to do?”

“Housekeeping, looking after the animals on the farm…” his voice trailed off.

“How do you expect me to have any time to myself? You have six horses, three cows, nine chickens, and two pigs. Am I supposed to clean up their crap as well?”

He nodded.

Oh lord…

“Housekeeping is fine with me, but don’t you remember how your animals act around me?”

“Oh come on. Stop making excuses and get ready!”

She was about to take the covers off but remembered the wolf.

“What about that wolf?” she said with wide eyes.

Morgan swallowed. He damn well hoped to never see that bloody wolf again.

“The dogs will protect you. Take Marley with you when you’re outside.”

“Marley couldn’t protect me yesterday; she was so scared she ran away with her tail between her legs,” she retorted.

“Do as I say or so help me God!” he raised his hand in the air sending a clear message.

She immediately got ready. It was cold outside so she wore black skinny jeans, and her BB Dakota jacket which was old and tattered; she didn’t mind getting it dirty. Grabbing her converse shoes, she walked into the kitchen. Morgan saw her coming and still couldn’t believe how much she looked like Chloe. He thought it was her at first; thinking that he would be…The thought tormented him.

Santana missed the expression on her father’s face as she bent down to slip on her shoes. She sensed something in him though, that’s for sure. As long as she could remember she had been able to track someone by their scent, hear a conversation from far away, and know when danger was coming. She was also faster than others when running. It never occurred to her why she had all those abilities.

“Where are you going?” she saw his attire that looked to be a construction workers.

“To work,” he said in a lazy tone.

“Oh,” she said quietly.

Even though she hated him, she didn’t want to be alone.

“Kiara and Glen won’t be back till late. Our numbers are on the fridge if you need anything. I’ll see you tonight,” he opened the door and stared at her.

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