Chapter 85

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Okay, so this isn't the last but the NEXT chapter is!:(

It's short again as well, sorry if it seems rushed or anything!


*Woo hoo!* Sage cried happily upon seeing the pregnancy tests.

Santana couldn’t believe it. After trying out multiple times, she had five different types of pregnancy testers sitting on the bathroom counter, all saying she was positive.

“I-I can’t believe it,” Santana said out loud.

Her heart thumped wildly as she shoved the white plastic sticks into one of the boxes and then put it in the bag to carry back. Telling Nova was going to be one of the most awkward situations…

And then the thought occurred to her that she was going to stay in wolf form for two months while the process took place.

*You’re going to be a mother!* Sage screeched with excitement.

*I am,* Santana replied, still in shock.

*Go tell him!*

Santana’s heart immediately thudded in her chest and that was when she felt happy about the whole situation. Becoming a mother was the best thing that could ever happen to her! She felt like smacking herself in the face for feeling bad and regretful about it! Her own child, someone who would love her unconditionally…Her hands fell protectively against her stomach and the will to stay alive for her baby was strong. Looking at herself in the mirror, she could see the small baby bump and felt complete love and adoration for her unborn child. Without a second thought, Santana’s legs carried her out the pack house and towards Nova’s scent.

He was right where she knew he would be, at the cottage. His emotions connected to hers more than ever before and felt his distress. The door opened just as she reached it and flung herself into her husband’s welcoming arms.

“Where the hell were you?!” Nova growled. His hold tightened around her waist but instead of wincing at the slight pressure, she leaned up and kissed his face over and over again fervently.

“What’s wrong?” he asked concerned, gently caressing her face.

“J-Just make love to me,” she moaned and pushed him further into the cottage towards the bed. He fell backwards and landed gently on the soft duvet with her on top of him.

“Wow, what’s got into you, love?” he moaned as she sucked on her mark that claimed him as hers.

Her hands roamed down his body to his member that was already excited for her. He gasped at her touch, snapping his head back in pleasure as she handled him.

Santana couldn’t take his moans much longer and wanted him quicker than ever, her hormones raging like the fire within her. She could feel her wolf trying to surface, and after a few more seconds, his shirt lay on the floor ripped to pieces.

“Santana!” Nova yelped.

“My hormones are going crazy!” she cried. Everything felt sensitive, and all she wanted was him.

“W-What are you talking about?” he looked at her wide eyed.

“I-I’m pregnant!” Santana breathed out, nervous for his reaction.

Nova stared at her with a shocked expression. The corners of his mouth slowly turned upwards into the brightest smile she’d ever seen. And then she was up in the air, twirling around.

“I’m going to be a father; we’re going to be parents!” Nova yelled at the top of his lungs with the same bright smile. His laughter filled the room as he twirled her around.

“We’re going to be parents!” Santana yelled happily as she jumped around with him.

“I freaking love you!” they both shouted at the same time.

Within seconds, they were back to square one, completely attacking each other’s mouths passionately. Nova pulled back and lifted her up bridal style and then proceeded to run towards the pack village.

“We have to tell everyone!” he laughed as he held her close to his chest to protect her and their unborn child.

Once Santana’s parents were told, they called in a pack meeting to announce the news. Everyone was ecstatic for them, planning events and the biggest one of all; the baby shower. The pack doctor ordered her to shift the next day, as it was quite dangerous, considering how she had already been two weeks pregnant in human terms.

Santana felt bad that she wouldn’t be able to kiss Nova whenever she wanted, but it was for the best.

That night, Santana and Nova walked back to the cottage, holding each other’s hands. The moon shone down on them, guiding the way. Everything seemed so calm and peaceful, a little too perfect. Santana couldn’t help but think that something bad could happen and ruin it all. Nothing good ever happened to her much. But events like meeting her real parents, making friends, finding Nova and the incredible experiences she went through with him.

Sauntering inside the cottage towards the bed, Nova pulled Santana down on top of him where they snuggled close together.

“I can’t wait to meet our baby,” Nova sighed contently.

“Me too,” Santana smiled while Nova rubbed her stomach protectively.

“I love you,” Nova reached over and kissed Santana’s lips gently, and then her stomach.

“Goodnight,” he breathed into abdomen, hoping their baby would hear him.

Santana hugged Nova closely and spent the night doing just that while they slept. It was one of the moments she would always remember and cherish for the rest of her life.


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