Chapter 1

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My name is Luna Briagas, i'm 22 years old, and i'm a nurse at the local hospital. My best friends Tara and Brieanne are always getting on to me because of how much i work, and how i don't have a social life. They think i need a man in my life, when that is the last thing i need. Men complicate things, and my life is hectic enough.

"Lunaaaaaaaaaa! Please, please, please tell me you're coming to the club with us tonight!" Tara whined, i rolled my eyes. Of course i'm not going out to the club, i have to work, she should know this by now.

"I'm sorry, i can't tonight. I have work." The girls rolled their eyes and sighed heavily. I think they are getting tired of hearing the same excuse all the time, but at least it's the truth! I really do have to work, money doesn't grow on trees and i have bills to pay.

"Call in sick, all you do is work, you deserve to have some fun!" Brieanne complained.

"You guys, i appreciate you wanting to include me in your fun, but i have to work for a living. I can't just pull money out of my ass and say forget work. I have bills to pay."

"Just get you a sugar daddy then you won't have to work anymore, he'll pay for everything!" Tara smirked at me in amusement.

"Yeah, hard pass, but thanks for the idea..." I said rolling my eyes at her. "Seriously, guys, i have to get ready for work."

"Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, we're leaving! Love you!" Brie said coming over and giving me a hug.

"Love you!" Tara added joining our hug.

"Love you guys!" The girls left and i went into my bedroom to start getting ready for my shift at the hospital tonight. I put on my navy blue scrubs, my black Nike tennis shoes, and put my hair up in a messy ponytail. I put on some mascara and lip gloss, going for the natural look but also making my eyes pop.

Once i finished getting ready i grabbed my pink stethoscope, putting it around my neck, then put my cell phone in the front pocket of my scrubs shirt. I grabbed my keys, and walked out of my apartment shutting and locking up behind me. As i walked out to my car i looked up and groaned, great, it's a full moon. That means the hospital is going to be absolutely crazy tonight. I don't know what it is, but it seems every time there's a full moon everyone loses their damn minds. I sighed and climbed into my car, i started the engine and buckled my seat belt, then drove off to the hospital.

-At Hosptial-

"How are you tonight, Luna?" Dr. Andrews asked as soon as i walked in.

"I'm fine, Dr. Andrews, thank you." He gave me my assigned floor and i set off to go check on patients. The first room i stepped into i noticed a little old man in the bed, grumbling to a younger guy, probably his grandson by the looks of it. And may i just say, he is fine as hell!

"Hello, my name is Luna Briagas, and i'll be taking over for Miss Richards as your nurse for the night." I erased Miss Richards name from the dry erase board with all the staff that will be taking care of him and wrote my name in its place.

"Hopefully you'll be better than that other girl!" The cute little old man mumbled. "I must say, you sure are cuter than the last one!" He gave me a gummy grin and i couldn't help but smile back. He's so adorable!

"Grandpa!" The young guy exclaimed like he couldn't believe his grandpa just said that or something.

"What? It's the truth, i've been here for hours now and she hasn't done a damn thing!" He grumbled grumpily.

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