Chapter 16

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How can he say that? How can he say he ruins everything and that i should get myself and our baby as far away from him as possible?

"Don't. Don't you dare say that, Colby Henderson! You do not ruin everything. You made a mistake, we all have made mistakes. But that doesn't mean that you don't deserve happiness or that you ruin everything. Can't you see how much good you've done? How happy you've made me? Ronnie ruined me, i was a mess after what happened with him. If it wasn't for you i would still be locking myself away and being miserable. You brought me back, you made me believe in happiness again, made me believe that i deserved love. I'm building my relationship back with my sister, and it's because of you! If you wouldn't have been by my side, encouraging me to give her a second chance, i don't know if i would have been able to forgive her. Colby, you've made me the happiest i have ever been, you made me a mother! I love you, and i will always love you, you do not ruin make everything better!"

"How can you say that after everything i've done?" He shook his head and looked away from me.

"Because i've seen the real you, i know what kind of person you are...did it absolutely crush me seeing you with that woman? Yes it did. But that doesn't mean that we can't work things out, and eventually grow from this. I love you, and i missed you every second that you weren't with me. I'm not saying it's going to be easy, or that it won't take time to get us back to where we were, or even for you to have my complete trust again....but we can work it out. We can go to couples therapy, and go from there. We're having a baby, Colby, we're going to be a family and i need you by my side. No matter how much i wanted to hate you and forget you i can't, because i love you too damn much and you're all i think about. and food....but mostly you!" He laughed through the tears at my food comment, he looked up at me with watery eyes and his bottom lip trembling.

"What about you and Jonah? The guys said you were getting pretty cozy and said that he was probably your soulmate." I rolled my eyes at that, i should smack the shit out of them for running back and tattling on everything i say. They are just stirring the damn pot.

"Me and Jonah are completely platonic. We don't see each other in that way, i said the soulmate comment because he's my absolute best friend and no matter how much time passes or how long it's been since we've seen or talked to each other, the moment we get together again it's like we've never been apart. You can have friend soulmates you know? It doesn't have to be romantic. Besides, Jonah is determined to get us back together. He came up with this whole plan to try and make you jealous so you can see what you're missing. There's nothing going on between Jonah and I. I only want you." I said looking him in the eyes so he knew i was being honest.

"He doesn't have to make me see what i'm missing, i've been seeing it the moment you left me. I felt like my world completely fell in around me, i couldn't believe i allowed myself to fuck up....i'm so sorry....i'll never forgive myself.." He once again looked down, but i put my finger under his chin and made him look up at me.

"I'll tell you what, come to couples therapy with me and i'll work on forgiving you, but you have to forgive yourself too. I want to be there for you, Colby. I want to help heal you and make you see how amazing you are. I want to take away all the pain and self hatred that horrible woman caused you..Because you're an amazing person inside and out, and you need to see what i see.." I put my hand on his cheek and smiled softly at him.

"I don't deserve you.." He whispered.

"You probably don't, but unfortunately for you, you're stuck with me!" I leaned down and kissed Colby on the forehead and then sat down beside him.

"So what do yo say? Are we going to therapy together and trying to work this out?" I asked.


"Good, but i'm warning you now...This is your first and only chance. If you mess up, and hurt me like you did it's over. I won't let myself continue getting hurt, i deserve better than that." I said looking him in the eyes with a serious face. I won't allow him to continue hurting me, i may be dumb for giving him a second chance, but i believe everyone deserves one.

"I won't fuck up again, i can't lose you, you and this baby are my everything. I love you both!" He squeezed my hands gently.

"And we love you too! Oh know what this means?"

"What? That you're stuck with me forever now? That i'm going to spend the rest of my life showing you how sorry i am and how much i love you? That now you have to deal with my crazy family forever?" He asked with a smirk on his face.

"All of the above! But no seriously, it means we're going to have to have another family dinner at your house and announce our big news...that should go over well with your mother..." I rolled my eyes and shook my head. If she hated me before, i hate to see what she will think of me now. She'll probably think i got pregnant on purpose to trap him or something.

"Actually, you'd be surprised how many times she's asked about you and when i'm gonna bring you over again. And my grandpa practically threatened to disown me when i told him what happened, so i'd say things are going to be fine." He said shrugging it off.

"If you'll remember correctly, hon, you said the same thing the first time..." I glared at him.

"This one really will be fine, no surprises!" He said laughing..

"Oh there will be a surprise, but it's coming from us this time..." He laughed and pulled me into his arms, giving me a gentle hesitant kiss.

Guess we'll just have to wait and see, i'm dreading his mother's reaction...It's one thing to accept your son is dating someone you may not like, it's completely different when you find out said girl is pregnant...

She's going to kill me...


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