Chapter 25

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Over the next couple hours contractions started coming more and more and have been more intense, but they aren't close enough to actually be active labor and need to get to the hospital. My family and friends stayed for a while helping me go through as much as we could to try and bring contractions closer together. I've continued drinking the raspberry leaf tea throughout the evening, we danced some more, when we weren't dancing i was walking around the apartment or bouncing on the yoga ball, we even looked like the mob walking around because we went for a long walk together, but nothing is bringing the contractions closer. Everyone left so it was just Jonah and I once more.

"Okay obviously sex and nipple stimulation will be the last resort, maybe we should go get some spicy food?" I suggested.

"Yeah, let's try that." Jonah agreed. I went and changed into a comfy outfit that consisted of a white tshirt and black leggings. I fishtail braided my hair and then we left.

"Okay, let's go!" I cheered. We left the apartment after locking up and then went and got in my car, Jonah driving. We were laughing and joking as we were driving, playfully fighting over where to eat.

"I want Mexican!" I exclaimed.

"No, let's get Chinese!" Jonah said.

"Hey, i'm supposed to be the one choosing! We're trying to get me into labor, remember?!" I laughed. Jonah didn't get the chance to respond because suddenly we were being blinded by headlights and then BAM!

As we were going through the intersection, a car came from the side running a red light and slammed into the passenger side door. I screamed as my head hit the window and the car started spinning and hit the guardrail. I heard tired squealing off and i turned my head wincing at the pain in my temple from where it bounced off the window. I looked over to see if Jonah was okay. He didn't seem to be hurt but the stress and shock of what happened had my vision going in and out and i cried out as i felt my stomach tightening and the most intense pain pulse through me, there was a small gush between my legs. I reached over and took Jonah's hand and whimpered out before everything went dark.

" water broke..."

** Jonah's POV: **

That car came out of nowhere! It was stopped until we started going and it sped forwards. I wasn't hurt, only some cuts from the glass window shattering. I looked over to check Luna and saw that she had blood trailing down her face. She looked over at me and gripped my hand and whimpered out that her water broke and then she went unconscious and i started freaking out.

"Hang on, Lulu! I'm calling an ambulance!" I grabbed my phone and called 911, they said they were sending someone out immediately. It was about fifteen minutes later the ambulance, police, and firetruck pulled up their sirens blaring and lights flashing. When they came running up to the car i started giving them the information they needed.

"She's pregnant, before she went unconscious she said her water broke!" I exclaimed, i'm freaking out here. Is she okay? Is Lily?!

"Her legs are trapped! We need to cut her out! Pulse is steady." The fireman called out, i watched in horror as more paramedics and firemen came with a machine and started cutting through the metal of the car to get her out. As soon as she was out, and they had her on the gurney i ran and got in the ambulance with her and rode with her to the hospital.

As soon as we got there she was taken back and i had to wait in the waiting room. While i was waiting i called her family, friends, and Colby's family. God, please let her and Lily be okay! I've never asked you for anything, just let them be okay!

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