Chapter 36

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He's drunk....this is going to be a disaster!

"Colby..." I said in a warning tone. I don't want him coming here starting shit, not today of all days..

"So you think you can just get another man to come and take my place?!" He was screaming and i stepped back away from him. The family quickly came over and Ashton came to my side, he wrapped his arm protectively around me.

"Colby why did you show up drunk? This is your daughter's birthday..." I said quietly. I'm so embarrassed right now.

"No! Answer the damn question!" He screamed at me. "Why do you think you can just get some other man to try and take my daughter away from me?!"

"Nobody is trying to take her away from you!" I exclaimed. "You're the one that didn't want to come because he's here, he's with me, he's going to be in our lives whether you like it or not. He's just as welcome to stuff like this as you are." I said sternly.

"THAT'S BULLSHIT!" He just kept getting louder and louder and Lily was starting to whimper and bury her head in my neck.

"Colby, stop! You're scaring Lily..." I held her closer to me and rubbed her back comfortingly.

"Yeah, because i'm the problem isn't that right?! Everything is all my fault! You try to act like you're the most perfect person in the world, but you're really a fucking bitch!" He slurred.

"Get out! You're not going to do this today!" I went to close the door and he shoved me. I stumbled backwards but luckily Ashton caught me, and then he was on him.

"Did you seriously just shove her?! She has Lily in her arms you piece of shit!" Ashton exclaimed angrily.

"How about you stay the fuck out of it?! She's not your daughter, she's MINE! I'm her father!" Colby shouted stumbling forward.

"You're a piss poor excuse of one! You think i haven't seen or heard about the shit you've done? You think i don't see the toll it's taking on Luna? She tries to include you in everything and give you your time with your daughter, even when you're constantly putting her down, and give her every reason not to let that baby around you." Ashton said and i could tell he was holding back his anger.

"Colby! Are you still going to therapy? Why are you acting like this?" Beth asked him softly trying to calm him down.

"Yes, mother dearest. I am still going to therapy, but therapy isn't going to help the fact that I FUCKING HATE Luna!" He screamed glaring daggers at me. "She acts like she's so good of a person, but she's as bad as Lauren! She's always nagging and nagging and trying to tell me what to fucking do! She's a manipulative, dumb fucking cunt!" Lily started screaming and crying as Colby continued raising his voice, i handed her to Cora and told her to take her out of the room. As soon as Cora was out of the room Anthony spoke up.

"You're turning into her and you don't even realize it.." Anthony said shaking his head.

"What was that? Oooooh the guy that's too good for me. The guy that took that bitches side, all of you have taken that bitches side!"Colby scoffed.

"I said... You're turning into Lauren and you don't even realize it. You wanna sit there and cry and complain and play victim all the time because of what Lauren did to you...But you've been doing the same fucking thing to Luna. You've cheated on her multiple times, she's done nothing but try to help you through all the shit you've got going on, and you continuously hurt her and use what Lauren did to you as an excuse for being a piece of shit. You go on and on about Lauren abusing you, but you're constantly making Luna feel like shit on the bottom of your shoe, an putting her down and calling her names... Do you not realize that that is abuse.. You're mentally abusing her.." Anthony said his voice showing his anger.

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