Chapter 10

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I've had a stressful ass week, i've been working a bunch of doubles, trying to get Colby to go work things out with his mother, to which he still refuses to do. And to top it all off, his mother called me and asked me to have lunch with her today. So, this should be pretty freaking great! Note the sarcasm. I got dressed in a blue armless blue lace dress that stopped just above my knees, and gold heels.

I ran my hands through my soft waves, i left my makeup natural and put on nude lipstick. I grabbed my purse, keys, and phone, and exited my apartment. I drove to the restaurant i'm supposed to meet Beth at and parked, i walked into the restaurant and found her at the table. I went over and joined her.

"I'm sorry i'm late, i had to rush home from work to get ready." I explained.

"That's alright. Look, i want to apologize for what happened at dinner last week. It was insensitive of me to invite her knowing that you would be there." She said looking me in the eye.

"I'm not really worried about myself, i can handle it. It was insensitive to your son, you know how hurt he was over what she did. How could you do that to him, and drudge up those feelings and just spring that on him?" I found myself getting angry at her. How could she do something like that to her child?

"I don't expect you to understand. They were good together, they were in love, and happy. They were together for a long time, those feelings don't just disappear." She said and i wanted to roll my eyes. I think those feelings definitely would disappear, being left at the altar tends to do that to someone.

"I do understand, i understand perfectly. I get that they were in love, i get that they were together for a long time, and that at one point in time they were happy. But she ruined that the moment she left him standing at the altar wondering what he did wrong, and questioning everything. If she truly loved him that much, she would never have done that. I don't care how scared you are, you don't do that to someone. If she didn't want to marry him then she should have ended it months before. Not just run away the day of the wedding. Colby is an amazing guy, he's sweet, and funny, and hardworking, he has a huge heart. I love everything about him, i could never imagine leaving him standing there waiting on me wondering what the hell is going on or what he did to make me want to run away."

"She made a mistake, she deeply regrets it, and she wants to work things out. What is so wrong with that?" She crossed her arms and i wanted to roll my eyes. Ummmmm, what's wrong with that is he's got a new girlfriend now, dumbass!

"It's too little too late for that. He's moved on, he's happy again. Why do you want to take that away from him just so he is with someone he has history with? Someone who broke his heart? Someone who abandoned him with no explanation!"

"You know, i asked you to this lunch to politely ask you to do the right thing.." She said still looking me in the eyes with her intense glare.

"Oh yeah? And what exactly is the right thing, Beth?"

"You need to break up with him, you are the only thing that is keeping him from getting back together with Lauren. If you truly love him as much as you say you do, you would do this for him. He can be happy, he can have a successful wife, a good life. Do you really want to keep him from that? All you've done is caused problems, he won't talk to Lauren, and he won't speak to me....It's all because of you. None of this would have happened if you weren't in the picture." Oh, this woman has got some balls...

"You know what? I've tried to be polite for the sake of Colby, and the fact that you are his mother...but i'm done. You don't give a damn about anyone but yourself, and your precious Lauren. You don't care that she broke your son's heart, you don't care that he's happy with me. You just want to keep up the 'image' that you have the perfect life, and the perfect family. It's pretty damn shitty you would sacrifice your child's happiness to get it. And you know what? I do love your son, i love him so damn much, and that right there is why i'm not letting you get in between our relationship. I make him happy, and i may not be a fancy lawyer, but i'm still successful. I'm still independent, and i still take care of what needs to be done. As far as you comment 'because of me' he's not talking to you or Lauren? No! He's not talking to Lauren because he's over her, and he's happy in our relationship. As for him not talking to you? That's all on you, honey. What did you expect would happen by bringing in his ex, the ex that completely shattered his heart may i add, to the dinner he planned to introduce his new girlfriend at? That in no way shape or form is on me. That's on you. And before you go running your mouth, maybe you should get your facts straight. Because i have been trying non stop to get him to come make up with you. So far he's not on board, but i'm going to keep trying because you're his family and you're important to him. But if you think that i'm going to let you sit here and walk all over me, trying to intimidate me, you have another thing coming." I looked her right in the eyes as i went on my little rant. She doesn't intimidate me, and she will not dictate what happens in mine and Colby's relationship.

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