Chapter 23

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** Colby's POV: **

Luna caught me having lunch with Lauren and dumped me. She packed all of her and Lily's stuff and went back to Jonah's. I have no excuse for what i did, i ran into Lauren a few days after the shopping incident and things just happened from there. She made me really question some things that i hadn't thought about before..

Like am i really ready for a kid? Do i really love Luna or am i just staying with her because she's pregnant? Is Luna just using me to help raise her kid? Lauren made a good point. She didn't want anything to do with me until she found out she was pregnant and then suddenly she wanted to give me another chance.

I don't know what the hell's going on, i have all these questions, and it's making me question everything. Lauren has a way of making me think about things i wouldn't have thought about before..So when Lauren started coming around again it was just easy with her. I didn't have to worry about her intentions, i didn't have to worry about why she wanted to be with me, if she loved me or if it was just for the kid, so i latched on to her because she's solid.

"Are you still thinking about that bitch? She left you again, Colby! Doesn't that prove what i've been saying? Things get a little tough and she splits, she doesn't care that you may have a kid together, or that you were gonna get married. She saw what she wanted and she left." Lauren scoffed rolling her eyes at me.

"It's not like she was making this all up in her head Lauren, we've been screwing each other. She had every reason to get pissed off. We should have been more careful." I said shaking my head.

"You are ridiculous. Stop making excuses for her! If she wanted to be with you she would still be with you, she would be able to forgive you for anything you do. Now it's time to make your choice, i'm not hanging around forever without an answer. Is it going to be me or her?" Lauren asked crossing her arms over her chest in annoyance.

"You, Lauren.." I said quietly.

**Luna's POV: **

It's been four weeks and i've not heard a word from Colby, as much as it hurts it just further proves my point. Lauren has her claws sunk so far into Colby he can't see straight, and i don't think he wants to. He's always going to let her control him.

I tried multiple times to come up with a way to make us work, i tried getting him to go to couples therapy with me, and at the time i mentioned it he agreed. Later on when i tried making the appointment he refused to go and said we don't need therapy. I've tried everything, i fought for us, but i was the only one fighting and i couldn't do it alone anymore. I can't let him hurt me again, i can't let him walk all over me and have my daughter growing up seeing that and thinking it's okay to let a man treat her that way.

I know my worth, and i'm going to teach my daughter to know hers as well. I'm going to show her that we can be okay on our own, we don't need a man to make us happy, especially a man that doesn't know what he wants and wants to go back and forth.

"Are you ready for your fourty week appointment? This should be your last one until Lil gets here!" Jonah pulled me out of my thoughts. He's been so great throughout all of this. He's there to comfort me when i'm crying and scared that i'm going to mess up on my own, he's there to make me feel strong, and he's been there for every appointment i've had.

"Yeah, just give me a few minutes to finish getting ready." I looked at myself in the full length mirror to make sure i look okay. I'm wearing a tight pink dress that shows off my bump perfectly, and reaches mid thigh, i slipped on my nude tie up block heels. My hair is in soft waves, and my make up is a simple winged eyeliner, mascara, and a blush pink lipstick. I grabbed my nude clutch and stuffed it with my phone, and keys and then walked out of my bedroom.

"Okay, i'm ready, let's go!" I called out pulling Jonah's attention away from the tv.

"You look beautiful!" He commented.

"Duhhhh!" I rolled my eyes playfully at him.

"Well damn! See if i compliment you again." He rolled his eyes back and i laughed.

"You will by the end of the day, i'm not worried about it." I winked at him and he rolled his eyes again.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Let's go check on baby girl, see if she's ready to make her appearance or not." We walked out of the apartment and down to Jonah's car, once we were in he drove us to my appointment.

We got there and got signed in, then waited in the waiting room to be called back. Poor Dr. Reid was so confused when i showed up and Jonah started coming with me instead of Colby.

About fifteen minutes later i was called back, once my weight and vitals were taken i climbed up on the bed and pulled my dress up over my stomach and put the paper sheet over my lower half. I didn't have to wait long until Dr. Reid came in the room.

"Good afternoon, Miss Briagas! Have you been having any contractions at all?" She asked.

"I haven't, shouldn't i be having them by now? I'm past my due date." I was starting to get worried. Is this normal?

"Don't worry, some women go longer than others, i've had patients who have been two weeks past their due dates." She explained calming me down a little.

"Oh, please no!" Dr. Reid laughed and i wanted to glare at her but i refrained.

"Let's take a look at the little one and make sure everything looks good and then we'll check to see if you're dilating at all." She flipped on the machine and squirted the gel on my belly, she moved the wand around spreading the gel. "Everything looks great, she's down in the right position, and ready to go. Let's just check to see if you're dilated." I bent my knees and tried to relax as Dr. Reid checked to see if i'm dilated, but it hurts like hell.

"You're at a one right now...go home and try to induce labor naturally. You can go for a long walk, that sometimes throws women into labor, you can try spicy food, sex, yoga ball, dance. Just try to do things to induce labor naturally. If you haven't gone into labor in a week i'll induce you."

"Okay, thank you Dr. Reid." She gave me a warm smile as she exited the room so i could clean the gel off of my belly and get myself situated again.

"Well, this is going to be fun! Operation induce labor!" I rolled my eyes at Jonah and once i had my clothes back in place i got off of the table and we walked out of the office and back to his car to go to the apartment.

"What do you wanna try first?" He asked sounding excited.

I know that Jonah is just trying to help because i've been extremely uncomfortable, and haven't been able to sleep well but i am in no hurry to rush it. I'm scared shitless right now, i'm scared i'm going to have to go through this labor and delivery by myself and i'm just scared... This is literally happening now, and i don't have the slightest clue what to do. I don't know if i'm going to be a good mom, and that terrifies me...


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