Chapter 26

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Everyone was leaving the room as nurses came in to get me prepped for surgery, and i was scared shitless. I don't know what's going to happen, and i didn't want to do it alone. Dr. Reid said one person can go back with me to the operating room and i was conflicted. Part of me wanted Colby in there so he can experience the birth of his child, but then the pissed off part of me says screw him he doesn't think she's his anyways, he doesn't deserve to go back there! Then some part of me wants Jonah because he promised to be there with me from start to finish, but then the winning part just wanted my mommy. The part of me that is in pain and scared was just crying out for my mom, and i cried out for her out loud.

"Mommmm!" I felt tears streaming down my face from both fear and pain and being overwhelmed.

"It's okay, baby. I'll be right there with you." My mom comforted me. Once everyone left the room they started getting me prepped, they put an IV in and then they made me sit up and gave me a spinal block, then shaved the incision area. Before i knew it my mom was being put in scrubs and i was being wheeled into the operation room. They put a paper screen up blocking my lower section so i couldn't see anything.

Before i was completely numb they started cutting me open, it hurt but i suffered through the pain because i just wanted my baby out safely. I needed her to be okay. Before long i felt a release of pressure as they pulled her out of my stomach.

My mom was snapping pictures, and once i heard her crying i relaxed, my mom clipped the umbilical chord, and she went over with them as they took measurements and everything. We asked them to do the paternity test so they took some of her blood. And once they had her cleaned up some they placed her on my chest as they closed me up.

"Hi, baby! You're so beautiful, i love you so much!" I was sobbing happily. I never really believed in love at first sight until this moment right now, as soon as my eyes landed on her my heart just swelled with love and warmth. This is what unconditional love feels like, i used to get so annoyed when my mom used to say 'you'll understand when you have a baby of your own' and now i understand, just looking at her i want to protect her from everything bad in this world, i want her to know how much i love her, and how beautiful she is. That's my baby.

A while later i was finally being wheeled back into my room where all of my family was waiting anxiously, Jonah was practically pacing a hole in the floor and you could see the pure anxiety on his face, it quickly morphed into relief as soon as they wheeled me into the room.

"Ahhhhhhh my niece!" Cora and Brittany squealed quietly, bouncing in their spots excitedly.

"Luna how are you?" Jonah asked immediately.

"Exhausted, happy, everything! She's perfect!" I still had happy tears streaming down my face as i cuddled my baby on my naked chest for skin on skin contact. My hospital gown was up over her back and covering my breasts from everyone's view.

"I'm a grandma!!" Beth cried out. As soon as i was situated everyone crowded around to get a good look at her, Colby was hanging back because everyone was shoving him out of the way and i kind of felt bad for him. I don't want him to feel like he's not welcome. This is his daughter too, whether he's being an asshole or not.

"Do you want to hold her, Colby?" I asked softly before i allowed anyone else to hold her.

"Are you sure?" He asked sounding shocked once more. Why does he keep sounding so shocked that i would actually be nice to him? He should know by now what kind of person i am.

"She's your daughter too.." I could see he was warring with himself, part of him was showing happiness while the other part looked like he was afraid to get too excited. I wanted nothing more in that moment than to drop kick Lauren in the fucking face for being a master manipulator and planting all of these questions, worries, and doubt in his head.

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