Chapter 27

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I've been in the hospital for a few days, but we get to go home today! Thank God, i don't think i could take spending another minute in this bed. I work here, i don't want to spend my free time here as well.

I got both of mine and Lily's things packed up and i put the car seat up on the bed so that when the discharge papers come in we can just strap her in and go. I laid Lily down on the bed and changed her diaper, and then got her dressed in a cute white onsie that says 'Isn't she lovely' and it has floral pants and a floral headband. I had just finished getting her dressed when my friend Rita from the lab came in.

"Hey! Let me see that baby!" She came over and looked at the little sleeping bundle in my arms and she gushed over how cute she is. "She's so beautiful! Seriously gives me baby fever, but then i remember they grow up and turn into little assholes and that fever burns out real fast!" I started laughing and shook my head at my friend, she's a character but i love her.

"I pray she doesn't have my attitude, i don't think the world could handle two of us!" I said sighing heavily at the thought.

"You and me both!" Jonah agreed shaking his head.

"Shut up, Jonah!" I said rolling my eyes at him.

"You guys fight like an old married couple, are you sure there's nothing going on between you guys?" She asked with a smirk.

"I'm sure! I would end up in a padded room if i was dating him, i can't stand him he works my nerves." I said rolling my eyes.

"Oh really? You need me! If it wasn't for me you would still be stuck in that bathtub right now." I glared at him and he just grinned cheekily at me, clearly proud of his response. I made him swear he would never bring that up again, but he brings it up every chance he gets.

"I really can't stand you. I hope you know that." I said with a scowl.

"Anywaysssss, as much as i love sitting here and listening to you guys bicker, i have to get back down to the lab. I just came up to see that little one before you left, also the results are in. Also, we need to do lunch soon!" She handed me a manila folder and gently squeezed my arm comfortingly.

"Thank you, i already know what it's going to be, but he's being an idiot right now so i have to prove it." I said not wanting her to think that i sleep around and don't know who the father of my child is.

"Yeah, well, next time i see him i'm punching him in the neck!" I started laughing and she gave me a quick hug and left the room. It wasn't even two minutes later that Nora was coming in with my discharge papers.

"Okay, just remember, don't lift anything heavier than your baby until you heal. Not even her car seat with her in it. That means you'll have to carry it out." She looks at Jonah and i frowned. I understand it's so that i don't hurt myself, but this is going to drive me crazy.

I like doing things myself, i don't like having them done for me. I'm the one that takes care of everyone, i don't like when the roles are reversed and it's someone taking care of me.

"I see those wheels turning in your head, don't even think about it." Jonah said. I crossed my arms and pouted. "Pout all you want! Your health is my main priority, if they say you can't carry the car seat for a while, then you aren't carrying it!" He said sternly.

"Fine!" I put Lily in her seat and strapped her in, then much to my annoyance i got into the wheel chair Nora brought in. I now understand how my patients feel, but i know it's hospital policy. If you stay you have to be wheeled out to your car in a chair.

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