Chapter 48

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The little one is due any day now, i've been having contractions for the last couple hours varying from bearable to me being doubled over in pain, but my water hasn't broken and they aren't close enough that i have to go to the hospital yet.

Ashton and Lily have been trying to distract me from the pain by taking silly selfies with me and just being there with me. Even Lily has been holding my hand when a contraction comes. Another strong contraction had my stomach tightening up and feeling like my insides were being twisted with a pitchfork. I breathed through them and Lily climbed up and straddled my belly and hugged me. I could tell she was getting upset that i was hurting so i was trying to keep myself calm and not show how much this hurts.

I rubbed her back and spoke softly to her telling her it was okay and that i was okay. I rocked her back and forth and soon she fell asleep, still clinging to me.

"We should call Tara and Brie and see if they can take her for the night. I don't want her getting upset because i'm hurting and it's only going to get worse from here. We can just have them bring her up when it's hospital time and she can wait in the waiting room with everyone." I said looking at Ashton while i continued to rock Lily.

"Yeah, that's probably a good idea. You need you rest as well and you can't get that if you're worried about our toddler." He agreed handing me my phone and i called Tara.

"What's up?" She asked answering immediately.

"Hey, can you and Brie come get Lily for the night? I've been having contractions the last couple hours and she's getting upset because i'm hurting. When it's time to go to the hospital i will call you guys and you can come to the hospital and she can wait with everyone in the waiting room." I explained.

"Of course!" She exclaimed and then i pulled the phone away from my ear as she screamed for Brie. "Brieeeeeeeee!! We're going to have Lily for the night, it's almost baby time!! She's having contractions."

"Ahhhhhhh!! We're on our way!" I heard Brie scream in the background. Tara hung up and i laughed and shook my head.

"They are on their way, i need to go get a bag ready." I went to get up off of the bed but he stopped me and came over and kissed my forehead.

"No, you need to relax. I'll go get the bag packed." He said softly.

"Are you sure?" I asked hesitantly.

"Yes, you're doing enough. Besides, you're gonna have enough work to do later, just relax." I nodded and leaned back with Lily still laying on my chest and closed my eyes. I felt that tightening in my stomach telling me another contraction is coming and i groaned quietly and gritted my teeth through the pain.

I managed to doze off despite the pain but was woken up by voices in the room. I opened my eyes and saw Brie, Tara, and Anthony standing in the room talking to Ashton.

"How you feeling?" Brie asked coming over as soon as she noticed i was awake.

"Oh, ya know, think of period cramps times 100." I said grimacing.

"Ahhh..." Tara wrinkled her nose in sympathy.

"Soooo you sure you don't know what you're having?" Anthony asked hopefully. They want to know what we're having so bad.

"Yeah, we're sure. Luna wouldn't even let me peek. She wants it to be a surprise." Ashton pouted with him.

"Why would you torture yourself like that?" Tara demanded.

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