Chapter 35

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-Two Months Later-

My baby is turning one today! I can't believe it, the time has flown by so fast and she's getting so big. It feels like just yesterday i was having her. Ashton and I have been up since really early this morning getting everything set up. We decided to have her party at his house since it's bigger and a lot of people are going to be here.

Everyone knows about Ashton, and they've met him briefly. They all adore him, even Colby's parents. His mother especially. They aren't too happy with how Colby has been acting, and when they found out about what happened with the beer incident they were livid.

"Babe! Babe! BABE!" I jumped when he wrapped his arms around me from behind. I was lost in thought and trying to get everything set up for the party it's at noon.

"I'm sorry. What?" I questioned not hearing a word he said.

"I said....go get Lily and yourself ready. I'll finish setting everything up." He placed a kiss to the side of my head and i smiled.

"Are you sure? I don't want to leave everything for you to do." I said feeling bad.

"You aren't! There isn't much left to do anyways." He assured. "Go! You gotta wake the birthday girl and get dressed." I smiled and gave him a quick kiss and then ran upstairs to get my sweet girl up. I bought us matching dresses because i'm that extra as hell mom. I went into one of the guest rooms at Ashton's house and over to the portable crib.

"Wake up, baby! It's your birthday." I coo'd gently caressing her face, she opened her eyes and rubbed them sleepily. She then reached up for me and smiled that smile that always melts my heart and i picked her up.

"Momma!" She squealed happily.

"Hey, beautiful! Happy birthday!" She squealed and giggled and i couldn't hold back my smile as she continued squealing 'momma' in her little high pitch sweet little baby voice. "Let's go get dressed, everyone will be here for your party soon!"

I went to Ashton's room where our dresses were hanging up in his closet, then i got us both dressed. We were both wearing a pink off the shoulder dress with a pink bow headband, and gold sandals. My hair was in loose waves around my shoulders, and i was wearing a couple coats of mascara, winged eyeliner, and some chapstick.

"You look so beautiful! Let's go down stairs and see how Ash is doing huh?" I picked her up and carried her downstairs, making sure to put the baby gate up in front of them and then went into the family room where we had set everything up. The room was decorated in white, pink, and gold. There was a giant unicorn horn with flowers and eyelashes above the table with the food and her cake. There were balloons all over and the chairs had unicorn horn decorations on the back of them. It turned out really cute.

"Happy birthday, sweet girl!" Ashton came up and wrapped us both in his arms and placed a sweet kiss to Lily's forehead and then one to mine as well. She immediately reached for him and he took her into his arms and attacked her cheeks with kisses making her giggles and squeals fill the air.

"No! No no no no." She giggled pushing his face away, i laughed as he pretended to struggle to give her more kisses and she just giggled away.

"I'm going to text everyone and let them know we're ready if they want to come early." I said looking at Ashton.

"Of course!" He agreed. I even invited Colby against my better judgement. Although he's been a complete douche, and i'm upset with him, she's still his daughter and he deserves to be here.

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