Chapter 20

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After talking to Jonah about the whole moving in with Colby situation, he told me he thought it would be best if i moved in with him that way we can take care of the baby without having to move around all the time. We also talked to my landlord, and she agreed to end my lease early and let Jonah take over the apartment. I got lucky because me and my landlord are kind of close, i took care of her son when he was in the hospital for six months from a bad car accident, she's a sweet lady! She also understood my situation and agreed to let me out of it early.

I'm now living with Colby, and i'm twenty four weeks. The last eight weeks has been moving me over, getting me settled in, and getting stuff ready for baby girl, and me working. When we went to the appointment for our scan baby girl was smiling up a storm. It was seriously the cutest thing i have ever seen in my life! Just when i didn't think i could possibly love her any more than i already do, i see how much she's grown and i just fall even more in love with her.

Colby and I have been working on baby girls nursery, and trying to pick a name for her. The nursery is pretty much done, all we have to do now is fill her closet and dresser with her clothes, and that's not gonna take long with all the women in both of our families. The nursery is sweet and simple. She has a white crib, with a little canopy hanging above the bed. The room is white and pink themed, there's a chair and footstool next to the crib that i can sit in to rock her and feed her, there's a changing table and her dresser. We didn't want to do anything too over the top, it's not like she's old enough to really care.

"I seriously love her nursery, it's so cute! I gushed looking around the room at all the hard work we've done, or shall i say all the hard work Colby has done! He's not let me help move anything.

"Hey, that's all you babe! I just put the stuff together, you bought everything and told me where to put it." Colby shrugged, i shook my head at how little credit he gives himself. I may have bought the stuff and told him where to put it, but he was the one putting everything together and doing the heavy lifting to put everything where i wanted it. All to have to move it again when it didn't match what i had visioned in my head so i wanted it moved again.

"Well we make a good team! Now we just have to agree on a name." I sighed running a hand through my hair. This one has been the toughest part, we don't agree on names!

"Hmmm how about Taylor Elizabeth?" Colby suggested, leaning back against the dresser, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Ehh..." I said not really crazy for that name.

"Hannah Lynn?" He threw out another name.

"No..." I wrinkled my nose at the name. "What about Lily Grace?" I suggested.

"I really like Lily but i don't know about Grace..." It was his turn to wrinkle his nose. "How about Lily Anne?"

"No...I don't like Anne... How about Lily Rose?" I asked actually really loving that name.

"Hmm..." He rubbed his stubble as he thought the name over and i waited for him to decide. I hope he likes it, i think the name is absolutely adorable, it's very feminine. "Actually.....i love that! We should definitely name her Lily Rose!" I let out a sigh of relief. FINALLY! We've only been going back and forth with names since we found out we were having a little girl.

"Yessss! We finally settled on a name!" I cheered making Colby laugh.


"I'm exhausted, wanna go watch a movie?" I asked rubbing my growing belly. I feel so huge.

"You go ahead, i'll make something for dinner." He smiled at me and i instantly feel guilty. Colby has been doing so much for me, he cooks for me, he helps me rearrange things non stop because i'm so restless..I feel like he's pulling all of my weight and it makes me feel guilty.

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