Chapter 40

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** Ashton's POV: **

It's been two weeks and Luna is still in a coma. I've been with her the whole time, and when i'm not with her i'm at home taking care of Lily.

It's breaking my heart. Lily is always crying for her momma, she doesn't understand why her mommy isn't coming to take care of her when she cries for her. It's breaking my heart, and it's breaking even more seeing Luna lying in that bed with all the tubes and wires hanging from her and her face still swollen and bruised.

I just want her to wake up, i want to hold her and tell her that everything is going to be okay, that i'm so sorry i wasn't there for her when i should have been. I'm sitting in the chair beside her bed, holding her hand, and talking to her.

"You gotta wake up, baby. Lily misses her mommy, i miss you, your family and friends miss you. We all need you. We need you to be okay, we need you to wake up. Can you do that for my baby?" I squeezed her hand and looked at her face but she wasn't responding. I saw a tear rolling out of the corner of her eye but that was the only sign that she was even still alive. I put my forehead down on our linked hands and the tears came. I couldn't hold them back anymore, i couldn't continue being strong.

"You gotta wake up for me. I've been waiting my whole life for you, i just found you, i can't lose you. Not now, not ever. Please, please, please, wake up for me baby. Please..." My voice broke and i moved my head to her stomach and wrapped my arms around her, letting my tears flow freely. I can't lose her.

I don't know how long i sat like that, but i felt movement in my hair and i jerked my head up and saw her eyes open, looking down at me, she was running her fingers through my hair.

"Luna!" I exclaimed happily.I hit the call button and the doctor came in a few minutes later and took the tube out of her throat that was helping her breathe.

"Ashton..." She cleared her throat as it was raspy and probably sore from having the tube in her throat for so long. "Where's Lily? Is she okay?" She asked and i could hear the panic and fear in her voice.

"She's fine, she's with Jonah right now.." I explained softly as i sat up and gently caressed her face.

"J- Jonah's here?" She had to clear her throat and winced in pain.

"Yeah, he came when the accident happened..." I told her. I saw the fear and sadness overtake her eyes and her facial expression made my heart ache for her. I became angry all over again. That bastard!

"I wanna see Lily..." She begged her bottom lip trembling and her eyes filling with tears.

"I'll call everyone up... " I assured her. "Are you okay? Do you need anything?" I asked in concern.

"Water... Ice chips..... Something to help with my dry mouth..." She rasped softly.

                         **Luna's POV: **

Everyone is here now, and i've been clinging to my daughter. She's the only thing keeping me from breaking down right now, memories from the fight with Colby kept replaying over and over in my head.

"I'm sorry to have to do this, but i need your statement on what happened the day of your attack. Mr. Henderson is in jail, we just need your statement to start the charges.." I was brought out of my memories by a new voice entering the room. I looked up to see a female officer standing there with a sympathetic look on her face.

I sighed heavily and ran through what happened from the time i opened the door to the last thing i remember. It was hard to get out, especially with my family and friends, and Ashton all standing there looking like they were about to break down when i went into detail about what happened.

"I don't want him to go to jail though.." I said quietly. Everyone looked at me in anger and a look of complete shock and horror on their faces.

"Luna! He nearly fucking killed you! He left your daughter screaming while you bled out on the floor.. How can you not want him to be in jail?!" Jonah exclaimed angrily. I flinched at his bluntness.

"He doesn't need jail, he needs help!" I argued. "Jail isn't going to help him, it will take him off the streets, but it's not going to help him through whatever he's going through. He needs professional help, he needs to be in an institution where he will be diagnosed and treated appropriately. I'm not saying to let him go, i'm not saying what he didn't isn't wrong. But throwing him in jail isn't going to help him or anyone else. He needs help." I exclaimed.

"He spent a week in an institution after his suicide attempt, and they said he has intermittent explosive disorder, he's got bipolar disorder, and he's extremely depressed." Beth told me softly.

"H-he tried to commit suicide?" I felt my throat tightening up, and tears stinging my eyes. He hurt me, he almost killed me, and i don't think i can ever forgive him for that...But that doesn't mean i don't still care about him in a way, it doesn't mean that i want him to die...

"Yes..... He went home and took handfuls of pills and drank it down with whiskey." Beth continued. I'm feeling so many things right now, i don't know how to handle them all. I'm angry that he left me there while our daughter cried for me in the back....I'm angry at him for trying to kill himself....I'm hurt that he would do this to himself, and to me. I'm scared because of what happened and the flashbacks won't stop..

Everything was overwhelming me and i started sobbing and held Lily closer to me. Ashton came over and wrapped his arms around me and kissed my face and forehead to try to calm me down. It wasn't really helping at the moment.

"Get him help. Don't send him to jail... Just make sure he gets the help he needs.... But i need a restraining order....I need full and permanent custody of Lily...I'm done with him but i want him to get the help he needs so he can get better and move on... I'm sorry, Beth and Jake... I just can't do it anymore.... I have to think of Lily and after what he did i don't want him anywhere near her or me... I'm not going to push you guys away, you can still come see her as much as you want, i just don't want him anywhere near her." I insisted.

"I understand...You have no reason to be sorry.." Beth assured me. I sank back against the bed and held my sleeping baby on my chest. She's been clinging to me since the moment she was placed in my arms, and i was clinging to her as well.

It kills me to know i almost left her alone. I almost made her grow up without her mother. And that makes me so angry at myself but even angrier at Colby.


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