Chapter 28

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"You tried hurting Luna and Lily?!" I spun around and pinned Lauren with a glare angrily. I can't believe she would do something like that! I know that she doesn't like her, but i never thought she would ever try to hurt her..

"The bitch ruins everything! If she won't leave, i will make her leave!" Lauren exclaimed giving a glare of her own. This crazy fucking bitch!

"You really are a psychotic fucking bitch!" I sneered at her in disgust. I knew she had problems, but i didn't think she would stoop as low as to try and harm an innocent baby and her mother! Neither of us had a chance to say anything else before the officers were pushing me aside and coming into my house to get to Lauren.

"Lauren Sommers, you're under arrest for a felony hit and run, child endangerment and for running a red light. You have the right to remain silent, anything you do or say will be held against you in the court of law. You have the right to an attorney, if you can not afford one, one will be appointed to you." I watched as the officers cuffed Lauren and read her her rights, she was screaming for me but i completely ignored her.

I can't believe i let her control me all these years, i can't believe i let her manipulate me so much that i would ruin every good thing in my life. I watched as they took her away, and as soon as they were out of sight i grabbed my keys and drove to the hospital. I need to make sure Lily and Luna are okay, and to apologize for everything i've done.

When i got to the hospital they told me that she had already been discharged, so i quickly drove to Jonah's apartment. I went up and knocked and a few seconds later he opened the door. Instantly pinning me with a glare.

"What are you doing here? Come to hurt Luna some more? I think you've done enough." He spat at me, not even trying to hide his hatred for me.

"Please, can i come in? I need to talk to Luna, i need to tell her something and to apologize." I begged him. He stood there staring me down for a long moment, and for a minute i didn't think he was going to let me in, i wouldn't blame him if he didn't. But he moved aside and let me inside.I walked in and saw that everyone was here. Her family, friends, and even my family was here.

"Colby? What are you doing here?" Luna looked up at me shocked for a moment, but then i saw the anger in her eyes. She's severely pissed off at me it seems..

"I needed to talk to you, i needed to apologize for everything i've done and for hurting you. I understand if you can't forgive me, i just needed to apologize. I was so fucking stupid. I let a psychotic manipulative bitch ruin the best thing that's ever happened to me. Let her ruin the happiness i had. And because of that i hurt you, and i'm so sorry." I said looking her in the eyes so that she knew that i was sincere.

"So you finally see her true colors? After we spent so long trying to get you to see them, what's changed?" She asked me with a blank look on her face, she's turning off all of her feelings towards me.

"I forgot my phone at home, i was waiting for your call or text so i went back home to get it and found her in my bed with another man. She tried to manipulate me into staying when i told her to get her shit and get out. She said he threatened her into doing it, and when that didn't work she tried telling me that she was pregnant, i didn't believe that either so i told her let's go down to the hospital and get a test done where i can see it." I explained and then gave her a confused look.

"Speaking of, why haven't you called or texted me since you left? I understand that i hurt you and that you're pissed, but i would at least think you would allow me to still be apart of our daughters life, why didn't you let me come to the appointments or anything?" I asked her. That's the one thing that has been bugging me the most. She told me since the very beginning that she wouldn't keep my child from me, so why the hell hasn't she been letting me in on anything since she left me?

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