Chapter 9

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WARNING: This chapter contains explicit sexual at your own risk! 😛

We got back to my apartment, and as soon as we walked in Colby picked me up and went straight to my bedroom. He tossed me on the bed and climbed on top of me, kissing me passionately and with all the emotions he was feeling right now. I could tell he needed this, he needed the escape. But i also know that he needs to talk about it..

"Babe.." I tried but he just kept kissing me, ignoring me. I continued talking between kisses.

"Babe *kiss* we need to *kiss* talk about *kiss* what happened. *kiss*"

"Later. Right now i just need to be buried deep inside you." I gasped as he said that, he began kissing and sucking on my neck. He pulled my dress off, and literally ripped my panties from my body.

I quickly began undressing him, without warning he thrust into me hard. I cried out in pleasure and wrapped my legs around his waist. He was giving brutal thrusts, and it hurt just the tiniest bit, but it didn't hurt so much that it was unbearable or that i didn't like it. I knew he needed to let out his anger, so i just let him do his thing.

A few thrusts later and i cried out as I climaxed all over him. He thrust into me twice more before he groaned out and stilled, grunting as he came. He collapsed on top of me with his head buried in my neck, i just held him and comforted him by gently running my fingertips up and down his back, using my other hand to play with his hair. We were both quiet for a long time before he rolled off of me and cuddled up to my side.

"I'm so sorry tonight was such a shit show...I wasn't expecting her to be there or for my mother to do that..."

"Colby you shouldn't have said that to your mother, i understand you were upset, but she's just trying to look out for you. She may be going about it the wrong way, but she just wants you to be happy." I said softly, not wanting to make him even more mad.

"Well, i'm happy with you, and she wouldn't even take the time to see it! She was too worried about keeping that bitch that broke her son's heart happy. I refuse to let her treat you that way. I refuse to let anyone treat you that way..I love you, Luna. I love you so damn much, you make me the happiest i've ever been in my life, and i refuse to give that up. I refuse to let anyone come between that and mess things up for us. I said i was going to marry you one day, and i meant it. Because you're my future. You're who i see myself with when i think of the future, you're who i think about when i think of happiness. You're who i see when i see myself getting married, having kids, and a big house in the suburbs. You're it for me." I felt my breath catch in my throat as he said those three little words, the three little words that are so small but have so much meaning, that mean so damn much. He's never said that to be before, my eyes filled with tears and i squeezed him tightly to me.

"I love you too, Colby. You're it for me as well..." He kissed me passionately and laid his forehead against mine.

"Say it again." He whispered.

"I love you too..." I opened my eyes to see that he was staring at me with a huge grin on his face, i couldn't help but match his own.

"Again." He whispered.

"I love you!!" I giggled as Colby climbed on top of me again, he kissed me hard and passionately. I felt his erection against my core and i moaned. He entered me again but this time slow and sweet.

He took his time, showering me with love and attention, and we both came together at the exact same time. Just as we were both telling each other that we loved them. We spent the rest of the night making love, and repeatedly telling the other how much we loved them. It was cheesy as hell, but in that moment it was exactly what we needed. Then we both feel asleep in the wee hours of the morning.

-Next Morning-

The next morning i had to go in for a shift at the hospital, the girls met me there for lunch.

"Sooo, how was meeting his folks?" Tara asked waiting for me to spill the details.

"It was a shit show....a complete disaster. A giant dumpster fire of a night..."

"What?! What happened?!" Brie asked looking at me in confusion.

"Well his ex was there, the one that left him at the altar....his mom was trying to push their relationship onto him. He finally got pissed off and snapped. Said that he was over her, he was happy with me, and that he would never have anything between them again. He told her that he didn't appreciate her showing up at his family's house and that she wasn't welcome there. So his mom retorted with 'this is my house i will say who's allowed here and who isn't' well that just pissed him off even more and he said 'fine she can come around, but i won't be coming around anymore' i told him not to say that but he snapped and said 'no if that bitches happiness is more important to my mother than her own son's then i don't need that shit in my life' then he literally dragged me out of the house and peeled off. So yeah, his mother probably hates my guts even more now." I explained giving them the complete recap.

"Holy shit!" Brie exclaimed.

"What a bitch!" Tara added.

"I mean the highlight of the night was his grandpa calling her a tramp and telling Colby that he had to make a mistake before he found the right one. He fucking looked her in the eyes after he said that! I nearly fell out of my chair laughing after he said it. Just when i thought i couldn't like the old guy any more than i already did he goes and proves me wrong!"

"That's hilarious!" Tara started laughing her ass off.

"So what happened after you got home?" Brie asked curiously.

"Well we had hate sex, then he told me he loved me, i said it back, and we spent the rest of the night making love." I shrugged like it was no big deal, but really on the inside i'm still overwhelmed with joy.

"Awwwwww! You guys are so cute together!" Brie exclaimed grinning at me with the biggest smile on her face.

"It's about time you said it to each other, everyone could see it! You guys just weren't admitting it to yourselves." Tara added.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. So what about you guys? How's things going with his friends?" I asked turning the tables on them and doing the questioning for once.

"Oh my god, Anthony has the stamina of a freaking horse. He's always ready." Tara sighed happily while fanning herself. I shook my head at her but smiled. I'm glad things are going well for her.

"Chris is so sweet, he sends me flowers every week, he takes care of me during my time of the month. He's amazing!" Brie gushed.

"Aww, i'm so happy for you guys! We'll meet up later, i have to get back to work!" I sighed looking at the time on my phone.

"This damn hospital would shut down if it wasn't for you!" Brie rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, they should pay you more!" Tara added, glaring at some passing doctors as if it was their fault or something.

"Yeah, well you take that up with them, and let me know how it goes." I dumped my trash in the bin, and went back to work. I couldn't stop thinking about Colby the whole time. I can't believe he loves me!

That's something i never thought i'd have another chance at. But i couldn't be happier that i get to experience it with him.


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